The park// part 2

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It had been two weeks since Dan admitted he loved you, and ever since that you two became inseparable, you were always round one another's or on the phone to each other, you became a lot more closer and honestly you were starting to get feelings for Dan. Today you two were going to meet at that park bench where he told you, it was right in the center of the park so it was easy to find, you had curled your hair, and done your makeup and you decided on your favourite ripped black skinny jeans and a long sleeved batman top and your black vans, you grabbed your phone and purse and headed out. As you approached the bench you saw Dan in his black skinny jeans (as usual) his Galaxy printed top and black trainers. When you got closer he looked up and his eyes lit up you sat down and talked for ages and you decided to tell him, "hey Dan im not sure how to tell you this but fuck it, I love you" you say blushing then trying to cover your face, "well in that case (your full name) will you be my girlfriend" he asks with a streak of confidence in his voice "of course I mean that was a stupid question of course I will" you start waffling on because your extremely happy when Dan kisses you for a couple of seconds and pulls away "well that Shut me up Didn't it" you both start giggling. "Y/n it's getting late let me walk you home" he says pulling you up of the bench and sliding his hand into yours.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now