The thought of kissing razors

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A/n this was requested by @EmoVamp98, contains self harm and may be triggering to others
It was the middle of the night and you hadn't slept at all, your urges to cut were coming back and you couldn't fight them off any longer. You get up out of bed leaving your boyfriend phil to sleep, you walk down the dark hallway to the kitchen, instead of turning the light on you put the torch you had on your phone on and headed towards the kitchen draw, you open the kitchen draw and feel underneath that's where you hid your blades except they weren't there. You searched through the cutlery draw and took out a small cheese knife (the smaller sharp ones) you cut your arm when you the light came on "Danni what are you doing?" Phil looked scared, "oh hi I thought you were asleep?" You backed towards the draw hiding both the knife and your arm "well I'm not now are you going to tell me what you were doing with that knife or-" he stopped half way through his sentence and his eyes widened "Danni your arm its bleeding" his voice had a streak of panic running through it. He ran over to you and pulled your arm from behind your back and his hand instantly went up to his mouth "why did you do it?" He gasped "I was getting urges and couldn't sleep so I gave in" you whispered, he got a plaster and some antiseptic wipes to clean it up with, "this is going to sting" he informed you, you already knew it was going to sting like hell as he dabbed at the cut you held your breath making the pain somewhat bearable, he then proceeded to put a plaster on it. Once he finished he hugged you tightly "Danni if you ever feel like doing that I want you to talk to me I don't care what time it is" you nod and he kisses your cheek "sweetie I love you" he whispers to you "and I love you too" you whisper back.

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