Your first christmas eve together

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Dan had been planning something for the last two weeks but he wouldn't tell you what it was all he would ever say is "you'll have to wait and see" you had waited for two weeks and tonight was Christmas Eve, you come out of your bedroom to find Dan carrying a load of blankets and pillows towards the living room. "Dan can I help you with that" you ask him, he jumps almost dropping everything "oh hi babe no I don't need any help, actually could you go to the shops and get some popcorn and hot chocolate and anything else you want" he says placing the blankets and pillows on the floor and taking out his wallet to give you some money to get the stuff he needed, "um sure yeah il go do that now" you say walking out of the door. You walk down the street to the corner shop and buy popcorn, crisps, chocolate, malteasers, hot chocolate, marshmellows, and cream, by the time you had waited and paid for your Stuff it was getting dark you walked back towards the apartment. When you got there it was oddly quiet you didn't hear Dan or anyone you walked into the sitting room where you saw a massive fort made of blankets, sheets and pillows and next to the TV was a stack of yours and dans favourite disney movies, you where so overwhelmed by it all you didn't realise Dan had walked into the room, "y/n what movie do you want on first?" You just shrug and let him choose what you watch he tells you to go and sit down and he will sort out the popcorn and hot chocolate. For the rest of the night you both sit by each other feeling content with the others company

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now