But im fat

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Dan hadn't been his usual self recently, he was being very quiet and wasn't eating very much, and in the mornings he would stand by the mirror whispering things to himself and you wasn't sure what was wrong. Right now you were both laying in bed, "y/n why do you love me?" He asks you in a very plain and simple tone but you could tell something was wrong "I could list a million things about why I love you but here's a few, 1. Your personality your so sarcastic but then your adorable and amazing at the same time 2. Your eyes just omfg eurgh 3. Your ability to make me smile even when I don't want to 4. You are an amazing boyfriend and I don't know what I'd do without you and 5. You're perfect" you say and then just stare at him, "but don't you see im not perfect im fat" you gasp in shock "daniel James Howell don't you ever say you're fat because you are definitely not, and honestly you could be the fattest man in the world and I'd still love you because you are an amazing person." You snuggles closer to him and kiss him on the cheek "thanks babe I needed that"

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now