Sock goblins

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It was a very cold winters evening and dan had spent well over an hour looking for his favourite black socks and now he was getting frustrated. He had checked behind his bed he emptied out his wardrobe checked under his bed and in he drawers he had looked everywhere. "For fuck sake where did I put them" he angrily mutters to himself. He sits on the bed and takes a few deep breaths "okay so they're not in here maybe phil knows where they are" he stands up and walks into the front room "phil have you seen my black socks anywhere?" He snaps "oh what these ones?" Phil lifts up His feet. "OH FOR FUCK SAKES PHIL I WAS LOOKING FOR THOSE EVERYWHERE I PULLED OUT MY BED AND EVERYTHING I NEARLY DIED LOOKING FOR THEM AND YOU WERE WEARING THEM THE WHOLE TIME!" He shouts. Phil giggles at dan "sorry I thought they were my ones". Dan sits on the floor "I thought the flipping sock goblin had taken them". "I am a sock goblin RAWRR"

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now