Goodbye internet// part 3

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You will cry, I just want to point out this is just a story Dan and Phil are fine and are still making videos and live together, Dan has not committed suicide in real life it just part of the story.
It had been 1 month since phil and Dan and stopped, as phil said he deleted everything his Tumblr was gone his facebook, instagram, Twitter and most of all his youtube account had all been deleted, Dan never posts anymore he never tweets anything anymore and rarely posts anything on facebook tumblr or instagram, and as for you, you just weren't coping at all you had watched all of dans videos millions of times but instead of laughing and smiling you would cry at them your heart ached whenever you saw anything to do with phan. Since then you never really went on your laptop there was no need to anymore, but something today made you go on Twitter and check dans account. As soon as you went on there you wished you hadn't as the top trending hashtag was #ripdan and #ripdanisnotonfire. You didn't want to know, you didn't think you could take anymore but you went into the sitting room and turned the news on anyway, when you turned it on they were talking about Dan and how he stopped with his videos. They even played his 'goodbye Internet' video, you didn't cry you had watched it too many times to cry. After the video clip stopped playing they repeated the new flash about Dan that you had missed before a big red banner at the bottom of the screen popped up saying: 'Internet sensation danisnotonfire's suicide a month after goodbye Internet' your mouth dropped and your heart sunk your chest was aching even more than it was before. "He killed himself" was all you managed to whisper, you go back to your bedroom and hold your now throbbing chest you just laid there and cried, not only has he stopped posting He's now dead as well.

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