Stomach cramps.

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It was that time again, and you had been getting really bad cramps all night. your head was pounding and you felt sick and not being able move because everything hurt. You had been awake since 4am and couldn't get comfortable enough to go back to sleep. You kept shuffling around and trying different positions but nothing helped. You laid still whimpering every now and then, when your door creaked open it was Dan. "Y/n are you okay you're making a lot of noise and it sounded like you were crying" he whispers to you, you roll over onto your side and brought your knees to your chest "I've got really bad cramps" you cry, he nods and heads out of your bedroom. He then returns with a hot water bottle, some pain killers, a hot chocolate and some Ben and Jerry's ice cream, "here you go this might make you feel slightly better" he smiles and starts to walk out the door, "Dan could you stay with me please" you whisper "of course" he says turning back round and placing himself next to you on your bed. You cuddle up to him and the hot water bottle and fall fast asleep.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now