Its only a matter of time

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*trigger warning self harm and strong language will be in this imagine*
You were walking home from school planning on taking as long as you could, your brother phil wasn't home until around 5 leaving you and your dad alone, you're dad hated you with a passion whenever you were alone he would beat you and be really abusive, when phil was home he wouldn't let that happen but he hadn't been around recently because he was moving in to a different apartment with his best friend dan, you shuffled your feet along the pavement listening to of mice and men's song public service announcement, you check the time 4:55 perfect only 5 minutes until phil gets home and it's about 10 more until I get to the house.

When you arrive Phils car is on the drive you were so excited to see him, you walk into the sitting room to see a guilty looking phil sitting on the couch "hey phil, are you okay?" He's head shot up and he looked even more guilty now " hey y/n can you come sit with me i need to talk to you" you slowly walk over and sit next to him and look at him anxiously "y/n I love you and everything but I'm moving to Manchester with Dan we have an apartment and we are leaving next week" you just stare your heart sunk and your eyes start to water "you're leaving me" you stutter " not exactly that's why I needed to talk to you" he started he's sentence but didn't give him time to finish " YOURE FUCKING LEAVING ME TO GO LIVE WITH DAN AND LEAVING ME ON MY OWN WITH DAD HOW COULD YOU?" You run up stairs tears now streaming from your eyes you slam your bedroom door and go straight to your secret cupboard you pick up the little tin box and pick up your favourite one, you make a fist and hold out your arm and repeatedly slashing at your arm and wrist, you are so deeply focused you're completely oblivious to the fact phil just walked in on you that's until he starts screaming.

He runs over to you and hugs you "no y/n no this isn't the way to deal with things" you're now completely breaking down clinging onto Your brothers shirt " don't leave me phil please don't go I can't live here with him" you choke out he just hugs you tightly and strokes your hair in a reassuring way, once you've calmed down a bit he goes and gets the first aid kit, he cleans up every cut and puts a plaster on each one and then throws away the blades.
" y/n I was trying to say that me and Dan felt it would be best if you were to move in with us, but seeing you like this im not giving you a choice you're coming to Manchester with us" he planted a kiss on your forehead and started to help pack.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now