Opposites attract

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Back ground detail dans really popular and phils really nerdy

*Phils pov*
It's a normal Monday morning, it's raining and it's cold and I have science first. I'm not complaining I love science, Mrs Johnson loves me because I do my work and sit quietly at the back and I get good grades but then all my teachers love me. The only thing I dislike about science is dan. Dan is the coolest kid in school, none of the teachers can control him and he has girls and guys falling for him at every angle and he's just a complete pain, he also likes to tease me because I wear glasses. I walk to science as quickly as possible not wanting to bump into dan or any of his "friends". I walk into class and sit down at the back desk on my own just the way I like it. The rest of the class walk in followed by Mrs Johnson and dan. "Today class, I'm putting you into pairs for our class project". Every one groans she always puts us with the people we hate the most which means I'll probably be put with dan. she calls out names putting them into groups and pairs. "Last but not least phil Id like you to work with dan" I roll my eyes and Clear some stuff out of the way so he can sit with me.

*dans pov*
I sat down nervously, I mean I got to work with phil lester. To most people it wouldn't be such a big deal, but it is to me. I've had a crush on him for so long, he's eyes are so beautiful and the way he's so shy, it's adorable. "So.. I'm not going to work with you if you're going to take he piss out of me" he says. I blush and hide my face in my hands. I've never been this close to him he really is perfect. "Uh yeah sorry I won't" I manage to choke out "you know phil you have really pretty eyes" I bit my lip waiting for some kind of sarcastic come back, but he said nothing. In fact when I looked up he was blushing more than I was. "What are we doing this project on?" I asked him "something about why the opposite sides of magnets attract" he shrugged and started taking notes again. "Magnets are a lot like people aren't they?" "what do you mean?" Phil looked confused. "I mean like in a lot of cases someone like me who is popular and the class clown falls in love with some like you, nerdy and quiet. They're the complete opposite to each other but for some reason they get attracted to each other"

*PHILS pov*
"are you subtly trying to hint you have feelings for me daniel Howell?" I question him, I mean of course he was cute but I always hid the feelings why would he want to date a nerdy teachers pet? "Yes" he said instantly blushing after. He looked cute when he blushed. It was the end of class now which means I wouldn't see him again until Thursday. I scribbled my number on some paper and handed it to him, "maybe we can arrange to meet up after school or something" I walk off leaving him completely clueless to whether I meant to meet up to do research for the project or to go on a date.

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