Goodbye internet//part 4

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*phils pov*
It was around 6pm I guess and I had got a text from PeeJ telling me to watch the news. I turned the TV on and sat down waiting for the news flash banner to come up, within a couple of seconds it did 'internet sensation Danisnotonfire's suicide a month after goodbye Internet', my heart instantly sunk I wanted to cry but I was too destroyed to cry, that familiar lump stayed in my throat, everything had gone numb I couldn't even think properly I couldn't feel anything apart from that constant aching pain in my chest. It was my fault he died if i hadn't said the things I said to him he would still be here with me, how could I be so self-fish.i stood up from the sofa and dragged my emotionless body into his old bedroom and shut the door, and slumped down behind it "I miss you Dan" I choke out, it had felt like I was crying but I hadn't been crying it was just my breaths getting caught in my throat. I didn't know what to do you know the feeling you get after your first proper break up that feeling where you feel everything just collapsed down on you, yeah well this feeling the feeling of losing that one person you cared about the most that you would do anything for was 100 times worse especially if you knew they were never coming back. I sat by the door for about an hour just thinking about the fun memories we had together. I stood up and went and laid in his bed it reminded me of how he always smelt so good and slowly I started drifting to sleep.

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