Goodbye internet

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Warning you will get major feels from this one
It was 9pm and you were sitting cross legged on your bed furiously refreshing dans YouTube account, he had promised he'd be uploading a important video, you had been waiting all day to find out what it was about. Finally after about the hundredth time you refreshed his channel a video popped up named "goodbye Internet" your heart sunk slightly and whispered "he's probably used it ironically" you clicked the video and crossed your fingers. The video opened with a very upset looking Dan, in fact it looked as if he had been crying for hours "hello Internet" his voice cracked as he said it and his eyes started watering "due to certain events that's happened recently I have to inform you me and phil won't be doing collab videos together" he took a deep breath and closed his eyes "or living together" a tear managed to escape his eye as he reopened them, "and also I won't be making videos anymore, I'll be keeping my channel I just won't be uploading anything after this video" he was trying so hard not to cry but tears kept flowing from his eyes. "Thank you for being wonderful subscribers and supporting me the whole time, we've had good times" he smiles a weak smile before carrying on "I love you all stay strong" he takes a deep breath and says "goodbye Internet". You sat and stared at the screen for ages not knowing what to say, your heart had broken, you watched it once more just to make sure that it was happening, you cried all the way through the second time, it hurt you that he was stopping with the videos but it hurt you more that he and phil were no longer friends and he was that upset about it. You commented on the video saying "goodbye Dan we will miss you x" and shut down your laptop.
A/n: i actually cried while writing this

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now