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You woke up with a sudden jump, your phone was vibrating against the mattress playing 'look alive sunshine'. You thought your alarm ringtone was better than your boyfriend dan's. After all his was just beeping. You pick up your phone and hit snooze "no way I'm getting up /this/ early" you mumble and snuggle back down. You start falling back asleep when your alarm goes off again, you groan and turn the alarm off, rolling over and falling asleep.
-an hour later-
"Baby" Dan calls softly from outside the door, "baby are you awake?" You roll over and groan. You hear the door creak open and the duvet being pulled off of you "y/n you know you have to get up early today" Dan whines and pecks your lips "come on. I've made pancakes" you sit bolt upright "pancakes?!" You squeal with excitement. "Yes pancakes, for my pretty little princess" he chuckles.
You jump out of bed and run to the kitchen "if you made me pancakes every day my mornings would be a whole lot better" you say and Dan just laughs.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now