Im just cold

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Trigger warning self harm is mentioned in this imagine
It was a warm summers day and you and phil were sat in the air conditioned room, phil lay spread out on the floor in front of the fan while you sat with your knees by your side on the couch. "Y/n aren't you hot with that top on for one its black and two it's long sleeved" he looked somewhat confused as to why you weren't melting in the heat, "no I'm good actually im kind of chilly" you say trying to make it look believable, he looked at you and raised one eyebrow "y/n. Have you been hurting yourself again?" Phil asks, he knew you used to do it but you promised him you'd stop, but recently you had started feeling bad again. " no" you whisper barely able to hear it, "show me your arms then" he says reaching for the sleeves, you retract instantly "NO DONT" you shout at him "if you haven't done it you have nothing to hide" he grabs your arms and pulls up the sleeves. His hands instantly go up to his mouth, you just sit there tears slowly dripping down your cheeks "I'm sorry" you repeat over and over. He kneels up and pecks your lips "darling please whenever you feel like this I want you to come talk to me I don't care when it is I need you to tell me" he takes your arms and kisses each and every cut and scar there is. Once he finishes he pulls you onto the floor and hugs you.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now