Only in fairytales.

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It's your first day back at school this year you have to start your GCSEs and you were dreading it, you were also dreading the fact that all of your friends had started socialising with the popular kids of your school, all of the popular kids hate you because your different you don't care about going out and socialising and partying you spend most of your time on YouTube and Instagram and Twitter. You get dressed in your favourite jeans and top and put your red converse on, you grab your skateboard and head toward school.

When you get there you see a bunch of the school bullies pushing over a boy with pale skin and jet black hair, you walk over "hey leave him alone" you shout to them "ooh or what?" The tallest Jason sarcastically says back " I said leave him alone and if you don't you'll be very sorry" you repeated more confidently he walks over to you and pushes you against the wall, you kick him very hard in the privates he falls to the ground whimpering.

You grab the pale kids hand and run you both run as fast as you can to the bit of the school with the huge bins and the secret room, you unlock the door and drag him in, you both breath in and out deeply for a few minutes. " hi my names y/n, sorry about dragging you like that but I couldn't risk you getting hurt anymore" he just smiled at you and you realised he had really blue eyes, you just stared for ages. "My names Philip, most people call me phil thank you for saving me" he looks at you for a moment and then hugs you no one ever hugged you for helping them, you're slightly shocked but then hug him back, "well phil I can tell we are going to be very good friends", the bell rung and you knew it was lesson time, luckily you had all your classes together and you happily walked together towards maths.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now