Muse tickets

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It was dans birthday in two weeks and at 8am this morning muse tickets went on sale, you woke up at 7:55am to get on ticket master early so you could buy 3 tickets, one for Dan one for phil and one for you. By the time you logged on and got to the website it was 7:59, you had to wait the longest minute of your life, you sat tapping your thumbs against the side of your laptop, your heart was racing "eurgh hurry up" you mumble to yourself. Finally a minute was up and the tickets went up you clicked on the button and started putting details for your credit card in when your laptop crashed and switched itself off. "CRAP, SHIT, FUCK" you shout your heart was beating even faster now, "WORK YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT" you shout at your laptop, just then your door opens slightly "y/n whats all the shouting about?" A sleepy phil poked his head round the corner "I'm trying to get muse tickets for dans birthday but my laptop just crashed and is taking forever to reboot" you angrily mumble to him, "im one step ahead, I've pre-ordered the tickets and they're coming on Thursday" he giggles at you slightly. You look up from your blank computer screen and give phil a death stare "why didn't you tell me!" You snap at him, he shrugs "I don't know didn't think about it I guess", he turns round and goes back to his bedroom and you roll your eyes, you shut down your computer lid and lay back down and fall asleep.

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