Tumblr//part 2

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A/n: so this might be a bit rubbish because I'm not great at writing smut but I tried
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hi Dan, are you busy tonight?" Phil says down the phone smirking at you while you bury your head in a pillow in embarrassment, "okay because y/n has an idea for tonight" he hangs up and starts laughing "it's not funny phil" you playfully hit him and blush a deeper red "it actually is quite funny" he says still laughing, you fold your arms and sulk. About an hour later Dan walks in and looks at phil and then looks at you "so are you ready" he says smirking at you, you just blush again, "well are you?" Dan asks impatiently you nod. Without warning Phil smashed his lips onto yours. Your body tensed and it took you a moment to register what was happening, Phil signalled Dan over and Dan started on you neck, sucking and biting at the tender flesh. You let out a moan not being able to stop yourself. Your neck was now sore and bruised so Dan soothed the angry skin with small licks, calming it down.Your hands wander to the hem of Phil's top and you fiddled with it suggestively, "someone's desperate to see me naked" phil whispers You giggle pulling Phil's top off, while Dan tugged his off and tossed it to the other side of the room. Dan pulls you up off of phil so you were sitting with him on the floor he pulls your top off throwing it onto the floor somewhere. Next to come off were your trousers. God, why did you chose to wear skinny jeans of all things. Both boys were struggling just as much as you were though which made you feel slightly better. Dan managed to get them off before phil so you went and straddled Dan and started kissing along his jaw and his collar bone while teasing his nipples. Circling them slowly before pressing down on them. Moving down you used your tongue to flicker over them once in a while making them erect and hard."I never thought I'd ever see the day where I made you swear" You teased "Shut up and stop teasing me" He moaned. As phil was still struggling with his jeans you decided to put Him out of his misery you went over and helped him to free his ankles, as you tugged they came off making you fall backwards into Dan.Your head was on Dans lap he propped you up so he could Unclip your bra From behind and then threw it on the couch behind you as phil went straight to your boobs His lips began to nip at your boobs. Licking your nipple and using his hand to fondle the neglected one.You moaned into your mouth which was now indulged in a passionate kiss with Dan. Feeling two thumbs hook into the hem of your pants you broke the kiss, biting his bottom lip as you pulled away. "Ready?" Deep blue eyes met yours,"God yes!" You yelled a little too loudly. Dan shifted so that Phil could place your legs onto his shoulders. He whipped his underwear off and let his length loose. Eyeing it hungrily you bucked your hips up. Placing himself at your entrance he kissed your forehead sweetly comforting you as you whined. Pushing himself fully in he slowly slid in and then back out again, letting you adjust. Slowly, he built up a rhythm. You bucked again creating oh so needed friction between the two of your hips. Every moan and sigh, whimper and gasp got louder Thicker more breathy moans joined yours and you glanced over to Dan who was jacking himself off to the sight of you. As Phil thrusted in he hit something and your grunted in appreciation. You screwed your eyes tight. Smirking he aimed again and hit whatever it was that make the stars appear behind your eyes. Feeling something at your lips you snapped your eyes open to see Dan's dick hovering over you. Gingerly sticking out your tongue you began to circled his tip. The noises he was making told you that you were doing okay despite this being the first time you had given someone a blowjob. In closing you mouth around him you began to suck and bob your head up and down slightly, taking in as much of him as you could. Suddenly, Phil gave a almighty thrust, beginning to reach his climax, causing Dan hips to reach your mouth. You gagged and sent vibrations through Dan and he bucked his hips gratefully. You hummed, hopefully pleasing him further. Phil burst inside you and you gasp triggering Dan who shot down you throat. You swallowed the warm liquid and relaxed laying there panting. Looking around you saw both boys faces were flushed. You smiled thinking about how many night you had spent dreaming of this.Slowly everyone dragged themselves to grab their clothes and pull them on. You couldn't be bothered to put on your bra, suddenly feeling self conscious, so you just stuck on one of phils hoodies over your top. You all sat in a line against the front of the couch resting your head on a phils shoulder. "Was it all that you were hoping for" dan mumbled "hell yes, maybe we should do it again sometime" you giggle, "Hmmm maybe" phil laughed kissing your cheek.

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