If you were a girl for a day

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You were sitting on the couch and phil was making a coffee. "Phil if you were a girl for a day what would you do?" You randomly ask him he turns round and blushes "um I don't know" he replies you giggle a bit "if you don't know why are you blushing so much" you question him and he turns around "SHUTUP y/n" he mutters. "It's okay philly I know what I'd do if I were a dude for a day" you say he comes and sits down next to you with two cups of coffee "what would you do?" He curiously asks "Id have gay sex With you" you admit. His face goes bright red and looks extremely scared "but-I-im" he starts stuttering "gosh phil I was only messing with you" you laugh he folds his arms across his chest and sulks

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