Its only a matter of time//part 2

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-trigger warning contains self-harm-
You your brother phil and his friend Dan had been living in Manchester for a week now and so far it had been awesome, you remember the night your brother found out about your self-harm, you also remember the argument your brother and your dad had about taking you, as for Dan he seemed okay you were still shy around him but he told you if you ever needed to talk he was there for you. Honestly everything in your life has started to get better phil said he was going to set you up on a home learning course so you didn't have to go to school, you were pleased about that and Dan bought you a new skateboard since your dad broke your old one. The only problem was the fact that both Dan and Phil had to get temporary jobs and on top of that they had their YouTube channels to attend to, so although everything was cool now you felt as if there wasn't really anyone for you to talk to. Phil thought that your addiction had stopped but it was getting worse although you weren't getting hit you were being rejected by your brother. Right now you were sat on the bed tracing the scars on your wrists with the little blue box of blades beside you, Dan and Phil were making a video together so you knew you wouldn't be caught. You open the blue satin box and take out the sharpest one, you lightly trace you vein with it at first not making a mark, then you took the sharp metal and dug it into your arm slowly dragging it across your skin, you felt a sense of relief but also major guilt you took the blade across your arms adding more and more, then you realise how much it's bleeding the Crimson red beads drop onto the carpet you start screaming, both Dan and Phil try to come in but the doors locked, you try to stand up but go instantly light headed and fall back down again. Dan manages to kick down the door letting phil run over to you, "y/n no no no you promised you wouldn't do it again" his voice was shaking and you were sobbing, Dan rips off his shirt tearing it into a smaller strip and wraps it around your arm trying to stop the bleeding, while Dan does that phil calls an ambulance. The ambulance turns up in around 5 minutes and they take you straight to the hospital, you get there in about 10 minutes and a doctor takes you to a cubicle "luckily you didn't cut through any muscle or anything but you're going to need stitches" he mumbles and walks off to get the equipment, it was just you Dan and Phil awkwardly staring at the floor, "y/n why did you do it you promised you were going to stop" phil kind of shouted at you. You just say emotionlessly "you two weren't there for me you've been ignoring me ever since we arrived" before anyone else could say anything the doctor was back, he quickly sewed up your arm and you were on your way home.
*2 hours later*
You were sitting on your bed scrolling through Twitter when Phil opened the door and came and stood in front of you "y/n if you ever want to cut I want you to come find me and take my arms and do it to me as many times as you would yourself" you just looked at him and shook your head "I could never ever hurt you like that" and that's when you understood everything.

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