Maybe fairytales do exist

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You and phil stood there arguing for the fifth time this week. You both had been stressed out and taking it out on each other. "Why don't you want me to go?! Seriously Y/N!" He shouts "You know that my mother is having back surgery phil! I need to be there for her! You of all people know how important a mother is, and if I am going to lose her, I need you to be there! Why can't you just understand that?!" You shout back. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I get it! But I can't take you with me every time I go to vidcon I got extra tickets for you but you don't want to come! Why can't you be like my ex and just care about me for once?!" Anger bubbled up inside you and You didn't bother to say another word, You walked to the bathroom and slammed the door, locking it. You heard him knock. "I'm sorry Y/N, I am really sorry for saying that. Just I miss you on when I'm away. I really do. Do you know how many couples I see a day and every time I see them, I think of you. I wish I could be here with you instead, but I can't let my fans down. I hate this." You heard his voice crack. You were on the opposite side of the door, crying too. "Sometimes I wish I could just leave it all behind and just be with you. But I would disappoint so many people and regret it in the long run. I hate having to leave you here to on your own" We both sat there quietly. "Sweetie please come out. Please. I'm sorry." You stand up and opened the door. Phil was standing there with puffy red eyes, you didn't say anything to each other, he just pulled you in for a hug. You put your head on his chest and heard his heart beating fast."Phil, you need to calm down. I'm not leaving, I promise." You wrapped your arms tightly around his torso, after a few minutes his heart beat returned to it's normal pace. He set his chin on the top of your head. "I think I'm going to have them push the dates back a bit, for once I need to be here to support you. You need me. It's not like it is a big problem because they haven't even finalized the dates or anything. I promise I will be here for you I, I need to be here for you, for better or for worse. Hopefully your mum makes it through this perfectly fine. But I'm just letting you know, if something does go wrong, I will still be here." We both were crying again. You looked up and give him a weak smile, he did the same. You lift your hand and wiped away his tears with your thumb."I love you phil." "I love you too Y/N." You both walked back to the couch and flopped down. You curl up beside him and he turned on The Beauty and The Beast, it was the movie you watched on your first date. You both sang along with it. "We are like them you know." I just looked at him, in no way did he resemble the beast. "What are you talking about?" You question in shock "Whenever I start being a monster, just being unreasonable. You bring me back and make me human again." The scene came on where they were dancing in the ballroom and Phil picked you up off the couch and twirled you around. The two of you were laughing when the song stopped you both just stood there looking at each other. You leaned in and kissed him, You felt him smile as he kissed you back. Maybe, just maybe, fairytales do exist.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now