Phil stops you from commiting suicide

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Phil had been out all day with DAN and a few other people, and you were bored so you decided to check your Twitter mentions. You immediately get 45 notifications pop up there was only about 3 nice ones the rest of them were things like: @(y/t/n) you should leave phil alone he was better without you! And @(y/t/n) phil would be a lot happier if you died and @(y/t/n) you stole phil from Dan. These tweets hurt a lot. You were so done with everything, you decided you were going to write a note to phil and then you were going to end it all. You write out a note to phil with tears streaming down your cheeks: dear Philly by the time you read this I'll most likely be dead. I just can't take all this hate any longer I love you so much I really do. I don't want you to make a big deal out of this and I don't want you to cry over me after all im a nobody. Love y/n. You sigh and walk to the bathroom, you didn't lock it because you knew phil would be back a lot later and by that time it would be too late. You grabbed the bottle of sleeping pills and anti-depressants and emptied one out into your hand and swallows two when phil walks in and sees you. He bends down and grabs your hand taking the rest of the pills "please don't take anymore I need you, I love you so much you can't let the fans get to you after all they're just jealous" he kisses your forehead and carries you too the lounge. He places you on the couch and cuddles up to you "I love you Angel"

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now