Im not hungry

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This imagine contains eating disorders
You and phil sit at the dinner table with the takeaway of your choice, it was your favourite and you wanted to eat it but you knew you couldn't you knew you would have to rush to the bathroom to throw up straight after if you ate. You sat there just messing around with the food not actually eating any of it, "y/n are you okay you haven't touched your food" phil questions "yeah yeah I'm fine I'm just not hungry" you state he looks at you and shakes his head slightly "you said that at lunch time and yesterday and the day before, in fact I don't think I've seen you eat a meal all week" you just push your plate forward and get up to walk out. "Where are you going y/n we need to talk about this" he was obviously worried you could see it in his eyes, "ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS PHIL" you shout at him and run to your bedroom and then sit on your bed and cry. Once you weren't crying as much you stand up and go to the mirror you lift your top to reveal your stomach, your ribs were showing but you still saw yourself as fat. You breathed in and held your breath making your a dent where your stomach should be, you poked at the skin that was there and muttered to yourself "why can't I be perfectly skinny why can't I be perfect". You turn round to see phil standing by the door his hand covered his mouth in shock, "no you are perfect why are you doing this to yourself, you need to eat sweetie" you just collapse to the floor and cry, phil comes over to you and pulls you into his lap "shhh it's okay you should have told me I would have helped you, you are perfect okay I don't care how skinny or how fat you are You are still perfect to me and I'm going to help you get better okay?" You nod and nuzzle your face into his neck "I love you y/n" he says planting a kiss on your forehead.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now