How he asks you to prom//preferance

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It was cold and raining and you just wanted to be at home, you were waiting outside your school by the bus stop waiting for the bus it was already half an hour late it was getting colder by the minute and all your friends had left you on your own. You put your coat on the floor and sat on it, you sat and thought about next weeks prom and the fact you had no one to go with you were snapped out of your thoughts when a boy called Dan asked if he could sit with you, you nodded and moved over, you always liked Dan you thought he was adorable. "So have you got anyone to go to prom with?" He asks he sounds so nervous talking to you and you thought it was cute "me? Have a date ha no I'm not sure if you've noticed but I'm not exactly top of the list when it comes to guys asking me out" you snap at him and he looks guilty "oh" he simply says "how about you? Have you got anyone to go with?" You ask now feeling guilty about snapping at him like that "no, there's this really pretty girl I've liked for a long time, but I'm to scared to ask her" he mumbles and then stares at you and you blush, "aw don't be scared just ask her" you giggle. He takes a deep breath "willyougotopromwithme" he says it so fast you don't realise what he just said "pardon? Can you repeat it but a bit slower" you look at him waiting impatiently "will you go to prom with me?" You nod and smile at him "yes I would love to" and just then the bus pulls up, "I'll see you tomorrow then" you say and wave goodbye to him.

You were always in the library, I guess you could call yourself a bit of a bookworm you loved books but you also liked this guy that sat in the library he always sat at the same desk in the library he had jet black hair and his eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, he has caught you staring at him a few times and you caught him staring at you once or twice, whenever your eyes meet he smiles at you and waves and you do the same back, the best thing about this is he liked Buffy the vampire slayer too you know this because he was always reading a btvs book just like you were. You sat down at your normal desk you sat at, you looked up to see if he was there but he wasn't. You got out your book and a note fell out of it, you picked up the piece of paper and opened it, it said: dear y/n, I'm phil you know the guy with the black hair from the library, well I really like you I know we've never talked but you have beautiful eyes and your smile gives me butterflies and I saw you like Buffy :) so I was wondering will you go to prom with me.
From the guy with the black hair in the library XD
When you looked up phil was sitting at his table reading, you grabbed your bag and walked over to his desk and sat at the other side, he looked up and blushed "hi" he whispered "hi, I got your note" you blushed and he blushed an even darker red "yeah if you don't want to go with me its understandable" he muttered "no Id love to go with you" you say with a big smile on your face and he smiled back "so you like Buffy?" He asks "oh my gosh yes" you squeal. For the rest of lunch you sit and talk about your interests and a lot about Buffy.

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