Baby dont cut

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Triggers: suicide attempts and self harm
Characters: dan and you
Inspired from a song called baby don't cut
You were sitting on the edge of your bed play fighting with your boyfriend dan, he had just pinned your arms down and that's when he noticed it. "Y/n what are all these" he asks softly tracing the scars down your arms. You feel a lump grow in your throat and your eyes well up "n-nothing babe" you croak out. He pushed your sleeves up further finding more recent cuts, his eyes widen the further he pushes your sleeves up "you can't tell me this is nothing, why are you doing this to yourself?" His grip was tight on your wrist and he seemed angry "this way I have control over the pain I feel inside" you swallow trying not to cry, crying was weak and that was the last thing you wanted to seem right now. "How long has this been going on, I'm here for you but if you don't tell me I can't help you" you could see that his eyes were Beginning to water too, "I guess it's been a while I just needed better luck" you pull your knees up to your chest and start crying "Baby never cut, you can do anything just promise me you won't cut" he screams tears rolling down his cheeks too.
*the next morning*
Dan was out and phil wouldn't understand, the urges had got worse and so had the hate, no one wanted you here. You pulled your phone out and texted dan "I love with my body heart and soul to death" a few minutes later you get one back saying "I love you too baby". It was all too much you knocked on Phil's door, when he opened it you hugged him tightly and told him what a good friend he was. Then you walked to the bathroom, are you really going to break a promise that soon?, you thought. You put the plug in the bath and sat in it running the water one cut, two cut three cuts four. Dan knew something was wrong he could feel it. He got the next train back and ran the rest of the way, he ran into the apartment and into the bathroom and his heart started racing. "No no no no y/n can you hear me?!" He put his arms round her lifting her out of the bath. He pulled his phone out and called an ambulance, he couldn't lose her, she was his everything. Paramedics rush her into the hospital, doctors call emergency she had lost a lot of blood the place looked like a murder scene. A couple of hours later a doctor walked, his face looked emotionless "im sorry for your loss" he says before walking off. Dan broke down into tears his whole world, his girl just hit rock bottom and she's never coming back. "Baby you made a promise that you'd never cut."

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