The cat scratched me

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It was a warm summers afternoon and you were having a tickling war with your boyfriend phil, right now you were on the couch being tickled by phil who was standing over the top of you."p-p-please stop p-phill" you managed to giggling out "or what?" He said also giggling, unfortunately he knew where your most ticklish spot was and he started there, you kicked him on the top section of his arm he winced in pain and immediately stopped, "oh um y/n I need to go to the bathroom" he ran into the bathroom but didn't lock the door. You got up and went after him opening the door to see that both of his arms were covered in scars and cuts, and a few of them where you kicked were bleeding. "Phil what the fuck" you cry he turns around and looks scared "it's not what it looks like" he immediately put a jacket back on and walked out like nothing happened. "Phil what was that" you question him knowing exactly what it was, "what's what?" He asked playing dumb, "you know exactly what, the cuts on your arms" you say getting slightly angry "oh it was my mums cat when I went to see her last week, the cat snowflake scratched me" he said forcing a smile onto his face "don't lie to me I'm not stupid, you've been hurting yourself again haven't you" you said sharply. He looked down at the floor and just nodded "I'm sorry" he said and he started crying, you immediately go over and hug him. "Baby please don't cry we will get through this together because I love you and I'm not planning on ever letting you down" you whisper in his ear and he whispers back "I love you"

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