Request: once a cheater always a cheater

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You are sitting in yours and your boyfriend, Phil's room when his phone vibrates. You pick up his phone and unlock it, going into texts a message pops up from someone named "Jessica 💕" the message reads: hey baby are you still coming over tonight? I want you real bad xxx. You gasp as you scroll through the rest of his messages and by the end of it you have tears streaming down your face. You walk into the sitting room and phil notices you're upset, he stands up and goes to hug you "don't fucking touch me" you whisper bitterly to him, "princess what's wrong?" He asks going to try to hug you again " I said don't fucking touch me" you scream, "tell me what's wrong then" he replies "maybe it's the fact you've been cheating on me with some slut named jessica" you shout again. Phils face drops instantly "how do you know?" He whispers "I saw the texts, im fed up of you cheating on me phil i'm moving out" you say walking out wiping the tears from your face "Ronnie don't go please I love you" phil cries "if you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me, you don't know the meaning of love" you snap. You pack the necessary things and go to a hotel nearby. You had switched your phone off because phil kept trying to ring you, you knew you'd have to answer eventually you had to get the rest of your stuff. You sat on the hotel bed deep in thought when there was a knock at your door you walked over and opened it and DAN was standing there "Ronnie please come back he is refusing to eat or drink or sleep until you talk to him", you sigh and get a coat and head back towards the apartment. When you get there you see a puffy eyes phil "Ronnie I know I've been a terrible boyfriend im so sorry but I need you, I love you please come back" you sigh once again and say "this is the last time and I swear to god you mess up once more we are never getting together again"


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