Phancake day

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Dan and Phil had been woken up early by their 4 year old daughter Winnie, she was excited because they day before Dan promised her they could make pancakes. "Daddy wake up" she squealed with excitement "I want to go and make pancakes" she climbed onto their bed and started jumping up and down "please daddy", Dan sat up and chuckled "come on then sweetie" he picked her up and carried her to the kitchen and phil followed. While making pancakes Dan decided to take a selfie and post it on Instagram for his fans, once he had posted it he started noticing comments asking who the little girl in the background was. Dan picked Winnie up and placed her on the kitchen counter "Winnie you know you can't be in the pictures I post online, the fans can't know" his heart sunk "I know daddy i'm sorry" she mumbled. Once they finished the pancakes the sat at the table to eat the Dan and Phil sat next to each other, holding hands under the table and Winnie sat opposite them tightly clutching the small yellow lion phil had brought for her when she was first born. "Daddy can we go to the park?" Winnie asks "of course we can my little lion" phil replies, Winnie jumps of her seat and runs into the hall to put her shoes on "daddy can you do the laces for me?" Dan bends down and does both shoes up for her, phil picks her up and puts her on his shoulders and gave her a piggyback all the way down to the park. A few fans saw them and asked who the girl was but Dan always replied with "she's my niece she's staying with us for a bit".

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