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Dan had been out all day with phil and you had stayed at home, honestly you were getting really bored without Dan around, you had text him a few times but got no reply so you gave up and turned it off and then went on YouTube to watch his videos hoping he would be back soon. About an hour later you get up to check your phone once it comes on you see you've had 5 missed calls from Dan 2 missed calls from phil and loads and loads of texts between them the last one from Dan said "if you don't answer soon i'm cancelling the radio show and coming home x" you received it 5 minutes ago and instantly text back "there's no need to do that I'm fine x" straight away you get a reply saying "you gave me and phil a heart attack I was getting seriously worried about you xx" then you get another one from him saying "I'll be back around 8 I love you" you smile and text back "okay I love you too" and press send.
*about 3 hours later*
You had watched a lot of disney movies in the time Dan had gone and the fault in our stars, and yes you cried. You had just put on tangled when your phone buzzed it was Dan "hi princess me and phil are just leaving I'll be back soon" you text back with "I'm having a disney marathon without you" he instantly replies with ":O that's not nice" and you just giggle. Half way through the movie you get another text from Dan saying "10 minutes away, BURMA ;)" you knew what his plans for tonight were.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now