Its kind of a love hate thing

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It was a sunny Saturday morning and you were getting ready to go to your friend dans flat, you were excited to see Dan but also dreading to see his flat mate phil, the reason for this is because phil was always really horrible to you he was always putting you down and picking up on the littlest things that you do wrong. You arrive at dans flat in about ten minutes considering he lives just down the road from you, you go up the stairs to the third floor and knock on his door, Dan opens it brightly smiling and then hugging you " hello y/n come in make yourself comfortable" you go in and sit down and phil comes out of the kitchen you can't help but to think how beautiful his eyes were, you don't know how you didn't realise this before and something had changed were you getting feelings for phil? "I'm not sure if you've realised yet but shorts don't suit you they make you look fat" he hisses at you "well I'm not sure if you've realised but looking that pale like voldemort went out of fashion like 5 years ago" you retort back he just frowns and goes to his room. You and Dan sit and talk for a bit when dans mum texts him asking him to get some disinfectant for her urgently, "y/n I have got to go il be back in about half an hour okay" you nod and sit watching Dan collect his things and leave. Once he left you decide you are going to make a tea you stand up and walk into the kitchen and put the kettle on while waiting for it to boil you hear phil walk into the kitchen "y/n" he says " what do you want now because if you're here to insult me anymore you can piss off" you say turning round to face him, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer to him, you can feel his warm breath on you lips, you lean in and kiss him and surprisingly he kisses you back. You pull away, "I thought you hated me!" You whisper slightly shocked "no I really love I always have I've just never been good at expressing my emotions so I was horrible to you because it got your attention" he stands smiling at you before pulling you in for another kiss, you two were standing there kissing completely oblivious to the fact Dan had just walked in, "im so confused I thought you two hated each other i leave to go to the shops with two completely ignoring each other and I come back to see you two kissing each others faces off" he leans against the wall looking totally confused, you and phil just giggling at him.

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