Emily lester

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A/n: i'm doing a Phan one but im not sure how good it'll be Im not great at writing gay fanfic
*Dans pov*
It was about 9am and I had to get up to take my daughter Emily to pre-school, I walked into her brightly coloured bedroom to find her and phil standing by her bed choosing which clothes to wear "daddy I want to wear this one" she said pointing to the pink butterfly dress we bought her the other day, "darling you can't wear that one what if you get paint on it" phil turned round and saw me "good morning babe" he said walking over and giving me a kiss, and Emily ran over and hugged my legs I bent down and hugged her back "morning princess" I said kissing her forehead, she smiled and ran back over to her bed and me and phil followed. She stood with her hand on her hip and her finger on her chin like she was thinking, and then she went "I want this one" and pointed to a pair of blue denim shorts and a light pink top with flowers on it "but honey don't you think it's a bit cold to wear that?" I asked she shook her head and said "silly daddy I'll wear tights underneath" me and Phil giggled a bit "she's got your attitude" phil says to me and he was right she did. Phil helped her get dressed and pick out some shoes and put her long brown hair into plaits while i made her toast, once she was ready her and Phil walked out and came and sat on the couch I gave her the plate of toast "daddy you didn't put the chocolate spread on it" I giggled and said "okay let me go and put the chocolate spread on it" she smiled again and gave the plate back. "Here you go angel is that better" I ask her she nods and starts eating. While she ate I went and straightened my hair and put on a pair of black jeans and a different top. "DADDYYY IM READYY" Emily shouted from the sitting room "OKAY SWEETHEART IL BE THERE IN A MINUTE" I shout back, I hear phil go into the sitting room and talk to Emily asking her if she's excited for her first day or not. I finish my hair and pick up her disney tangled backpack on the way into the front room "come on then" I say holding my hand out she gives phil a hug and runs and holds my hand, "bye bye sweetie pie" phil calls to Emily "bye bye daddy love you" she calls back. We head out the door and down the street to the end of the road where her pre-school is, we get to the door and she lets go of my hand "daddy can I have my bag please" she stands with her hand out waiting for her bag "here you go poppet, can I have a kiss?" I bend down and she kisses my cheek "bye daddy see you later" she cheerfully says and then skips into the building "bye bye" I whisper to myself.

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