Maybe it was the sock monster

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It was a very cold winters evening and you had spent well over an hour looking for you blue fluffy socks that you got for Christmas and honestly you were getting frustrated "where the heck have I put them" you angrily mutter to yourself, you pull back your bed and the wardrobe you've stripped your bed and checked In the wash and behind the couch pillows but you couldn't find them anywhere. "Y/n what are you doing" phil calls from the front room "you've been in your bedroom for ages", you roll your eyes and shout back "I'm well aware of that phil" and carry on going through each draw and cupboard trying so hard to find your socks. Eventually you sit on your bed and take a deep breath "you know what fuck it I'll just wear some trainer socks for now" you take a clean pair of powder pink and blue trainer socks and put them on. You take a deep breath and walk into the sitting room and sit on the couch next to phil, you had just snuggled down when you realised phil was wearing your socks "OH MY FUCKING GOD PHIL IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THOSE SOCKS EVERYWHERE" you practically shout at him "oh so that what you were looking for" he giggles "if you had told me I would've given them to you". "I thought the goddamn sock monster took them" you sighed, "you silly banana" he laughs at you and kisses your forehead "maybe your my sock monster" you say nuzzling your face into his side.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now