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It's around 12:30 in the morning and you and phil were sitting in the front room watching some reality TV show, "phil, i'm going to bed i'm really tired" you state he nods and kisses your cheek "don't forget to blow your candles out before you come to bed"you head out of the front room and hear him mutter "I won't". About 20 or so minutes later phil walks in with a cup of almond milk in one hand and his laptop and charger in the other. He places his laptop on the bed and the milk on the table next to his bed "phil did you blow the candles out?" You whisper "yes" he answers and crawls into bed next to you, you cuddle up close to him and fall asleep. When you next wake up the fire alarms going off like crazy and you can smell burning not to mention the amount of smoke there was, "PHIL" "PHILIP MICHAEL LESTER WAKE UP" you frantically shake him trying to get him up "oh for Christ sakes, PHIL WAKE UP THE APARTMENTS ON FIRE" phil sits up and looks at you "we need to call 999 NOW" you shout at him and then rushing across the hall to dans room. "DAN YOU NEED TO GET UP THE APARTMENT IS ON FIRE" you pull his blankets off and push him off the bed "what's was that for?" He asks slightly confused to why he was being woken up so early "oh shit" he mumbled grabbing his laptop, camera and phone and their chargers before heading out. Dan and Phil had already got out of the apartment but you went back to get your phone. By the time you got back everywhere had caught fire apart from dans room, you went in there and shut the door. Now what was it they told us to do as a kid if there was a fire, I need blankets and pillows. You grabbed all of dans blankets and pillows and put them by the bottom of the door and stayed as low as you could to the floor. About 2 minutes later you heard a deep voice calling to see if anyone was in here, you managed to squeak out "I'm in here" before passing out. When you next awoke you were outside being treated by a few paramedics, you could hear phil crying and Dan trying to comfort him. "It's my fault i forgot to blow the candle out" phil was full on sobbing and Dan just hugged him, you sat up and the paramedics gave you an oxygen mask you took a few deep breaths and you were okay to go. "So what are we going to do now?" Dan asked "we will have to back to our parents houses" you reply, phil shook his head "no you're coming to live with me" you didn't argue you just nodded and let him sort things out.

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