Is this what you call a family?

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A/n: this story is based on a song called a trophy fathers trophy son by sleeping with sirens. Background information you might need to know is dan and Phil are both your older brothers and your family is falling apart. Contains abuse and swearing.

It's 7 at night and your parents were arguing again, you could hear glass smashing and a lot of swearing. You hated it when your parents argued, it had got a lot worse recently they seemed to be arguing whenever they were together. You pulled your duvet over your head and buried your head into the pillow. "DONT FUCKING SHOUT AT ME YOU SLAG" you hear your father shout "IM THE SLAG AM I?" Your mum shouts back and then more glass smashes. you grab your teddy and run to your older brothers room and knock on the door. "Philly i'm scared" you whimper, the door opens and phil picks you up. "It's okay sweetheart lets cuddle it'll be fine" he places you on the edge of the bed and puts arms around you, and you cry into his shirt. Dan stands up "i'm fed up of them constantly upsetting y/n." He walks out the door and a few minutes later you hear him screaming at both of them "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THIS HURTS Y/N HAVING TO PUT UP WITH THIS EVERYTIME YOURE TOGETHER. SHES CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU TWO, SHES TERRIFIED." Everything goes quiet and then there's a loud thud, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TELLING US HOW WE ARE EFFECTING OUR DAUGHTER HUH?" You hear footsteps running up the stairs and dan opens the door he has a large cut across his forehead. Phil lets go of you to sort out dans head. "Sorry, I tried to get them to stop" dan cries. You jump off the bed and hug his legs. "GET OUT" you hear your mum shout "I WAS INTENDING TO I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU OR THEM AGAIN" he shouts back and then the door slams. You go and look out the window and he was gone. You're father had left you. A few minutes later your mum comes up "he's left us sorry guys" she sobs before walking away. Dan and Phil hug you from both sides while you cry.
Father, father, tell me where have you been?
It's been hell not having you here
I've been missing you so bad
And you don't seem to care
When I go to sleep at night, you're not there
When I go to sleep at night, do you care?

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now