Oh but one mistake

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You, your boyfriend and the rest of his friends and a couple of other people were all coming round yours for a party before for your birthday something had been up with dan recently he had been really distant with you and was always on the phone to someone else, right now he was sitting on a stall by the kitchen side on his phone, you decide your going to confront him.
"Dan what's wrong with you at the moment your always on the phone and never have time for me anymore"you ask rather sharply
"Ha me what wrong with me what's wrong with you" he scoffs, you were kind of hurt by this and didn't really know what to say, " you know what Daniel James Howell I'm beginning to think you're cheating on me" he looked at you and you knew he was pissed off " you fucking deserve it you're a slut you've been sleeping with everyone" he shouted at you, you were now just as angry as he was " I fucking hate you get the fuck out of my life" you shout back at him "with pleasure" he says standing up about to walk out "oh and once you've gone don't come back go live with that whore of yours, WE'RE DONE" you shout everybody turning round to face you. He turns round and you feel his fist collide with your jaw and then a immense shooting pain "you fucking punched me" you whisper and start crying everyone saw what happened and stand there in shock," y/n are you okay" you hear phil ask you repeatedly both Tyler and phil are comforting you and sorting out your bleeding lip and your possible broken jaw while joe , Connor f and casper start punching the fuck out of Dan.

"How could you punch a girl, especially your girlfriend you're supposed to love her!" Connor said in a very disappointed tone, just as Connor was about to throw another punch, You hear Dan whisper over and over again "I punched her, I hit the love of my life" it sounded as if he was crying "no stop" they all turned at looked at you in shock "but y/n he hit you he deserves it" joe replied "no he doesn't I can agree he was stupid but he doesn't deserve to be beaten the shit out for it, by punching him makes you guys just as bad as he does" joe, Connor and casper stood up and backed away from dan who was now sitting against the wall crying. You walk over to him and he chokes out " I'm really really sorry I love you so much and I can't lose you,you're my world and without you il be nothing" he starts crying even more, you bend down and whisper in his ear "I I forgive you, but don't you ever ever do it again because If you do I swear il leave your sorry arse and never come back do I make myself clear" he just nods and hugs you tightly.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now