Lets stay in bed all day

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You woke up around 9am and you had to get dressed quickly as you were going to meet a friend, you just went to roll out of bed when to arms wrapped around you "do you have to goo" phil whined, "yes I promised I'd meet up with y/bf/n today" you giggled. You tried to wiggle out of Phil's arms but he just held tighter "phill I need to go" you turn round to face him and stick out your bottom lip a bit, " I don't care I want to have a bed day today, I want to stay in bed with my amazing girlfriend and watch Netflix all day" he exclaims, "EURGHHH fine I'll call y/bf/n and tell her I can't make it but while I'm doing that you can go and get the drinks and popcorn" you say playfully sticking out your tongue and blowing a raspberry at him, he giggles and mumbles something like "you're so childish" as he walks out of the bedroom. Ten or so minutes later he walks back in with two hot chocolates and loads of popcorn, "which movie shall we watch first" he asks giving you the laptop, "Hmmm how about the woman in black you know I love that one" you ask him and he nods, you start the film and cuddle up to your perfect boyfriend excited to spend a whole day with him.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now