Maybe we're not lucky enough

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You had just finished at the doctors, you had to go for an ultra sound to check on how your baby was doing, but you had got the worst news. She had died. You were heart broken and you knew phil would be too. You were sitting in the taxi silently sobbing the whole way back, your baby had died you had no idea how you were supposed to tell phil. The taxi stopped outside your apartment you paid the driver and went in, you climbed the two flights of stairs dried your eyes and unlocked the door. You walked into the front room and both Dan and Phil looked up at you "how is she?" Phil asks, you burst into tears and shake your head "she's not, she d-died" you whisper. Phils faces went a pale white "what do you mean?" Your knees collapse under you and you fall on the floor now hysterically crying "s-she d-died" you wail, Dan rushes over to you and comforts you "shhh it's okay, everything will be fine" he rubs your back comfortingly. Phil shakes his head and holds his breath "I just wanted a chance to prove I could be a dad" you looked up at him and said "you would be a brilliant dad, but maybe we're not lucky enough."

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now