Let me go

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You and your boyfriend dan had been growing further and further apart, he never had time for you anymore and you hardly ever talked to each other, everytime you suggested going out somewhere he would say he was too busy and you were getting fed up of it. You pull out your phone and text him knowing he was out with some friends, but the reply to the text you sent wasnt exactly the one you wanted, you switch off your phone and go to bed hoping he would be back soon. 3 hours later you hear the door unlock and dan talking to someone on the phone after he hangs up you come out of your bedroom with a tear stained face "how easy was it?" You whisper dan looks at you puzzled not knowing what you were talking about "how easy was it to cheat on me with my best friend?" You once again whisper but loud enough to be heard, dans face fell and he began to look really guilty "im sorry y/n it was a mistake i dont know what got in to me" he goes to hug you but you just push him away "well dan this is the second time its happened and quite frankly im sick of it we're done" you go back into your bedroom locking the door and starting to pack, bitterly crying and remebering all the memories you had with him. About an hour later you hear a small knock on your door "hey y/n its phil can i come in please" you walk over and open it letting phil in "are you leaving?" He questioned looking at all of the folded up clothes on your bed, you just nod "come on dont let him do this too you please stay i need you here y/n" phil begs you, you shrug "i dont know if i can hes broken me too many times", just then a puffy eyed dan walks in "please dont leave i love you" he chokes out between cries you simply reply with "if you love me let me go"

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now