I missed you

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"Y/N I missed you so much!" You were visiting your boyfriend of 2 years Dan howell. He pulled you to his chest, burying his head in the crook of your neck placing a small kiss on the side of your neck. "I missed you so much more Dan." You sniffled. Dan had been gone for almost 3 weeks, going back and forth to America for different events.
A couple of days after Dan had left, your heart started to ache from missing him. You both parted from the long embrace, then feeling Dan press his lips onto yours. You instantly kissed back, your arms finding their way around his neck.
You pulled away after your short but sweet kiss. You looked up seeing those brown eyes you had been longing to look in for 3 weeks
"Okay, i'm just gonna go." Phil said pointing at the door and awkwardly walking to the taxi door, To grab the rest of his stuff. "Thank you Phil." You smiled at him and he nodded before heading back to the taxi. You faced Dan who had a raised eyebrow. "How come you thanked phil?" He said with a smile. Grinning you replied, "Because without Phil I wouldn't have met you." You stood on your tiptoes and pecked his lips. "You're amazing you know?" He smiled lovingly at you and kissed your nose making you screw your nose up. Dan laughed and hugged you again. "You're amazing, beautiful and adorable." You blushed furiously while Dan just carried on laughing. "Well phil decided to go out to let us have some alone time." Dan explained.
"Aw bless him.Why don't we get changed into some pyjamas and watch a movie?" You said. Dan nodded. "Sounds good baby. See you in a minute." He quickly pecked your lips and headed over towards his bedroom You grabbed the bag you brought with some clothing, rummaging through them until you found your onesie. You went into the bathroom and quickly changed taking your make up off and letting your hair flow down your shoulders. You exited the bathroom, taking a detour to the kitchen to grab a drink, not before two arms slid round your waist. You squeaked and heard Dan chuckle behind you. He spun you round so you were facing him. "You look beautiful as always." You blushed but then realized what he was wearing. A dinosaur onesie. You laughed aloud, eventually managing to fall on the floor out of laughter. "Y/N, what's so funny?" Dan asked with a smirk. "You look so darn cute in that." You exclaimed, standing up from the floor. He laughed again then picked you up bridal style and walked over to the couch placing you down. "Sit." You saluted him as he chuckled then walked back into the kitchen, soon bringing you a drink of coke back. "Aw thank you." You pecked his lips. Rain started pounding on the apartments windows making you jump a little. "Movie time! What would my beautiful girl like to watch?" Dan stood and sat down in front of the large pile of DVD's. Immediately you yelled "alice in wonderland!" You were grinning like an idiot as you heard him chuckle as he put the DVD in and pressed play. Dan lay down, pulling you on top of him. "I missed us doing this." He whispered in your ear, you snuggling up against his side. Out of nowhere, thunder rolled outside. You quickly tightened your grip you had on Dan's side. He knew how scared you were of storms. "Shh, it's okay." Dan cooed, kissing your forehead and stroking your hair. You somehow didn't want to watch the movie anymore but to cuddle with Dan in his bed. Another boom of thunder sounded outside followed by a loud crackle of lightening. As if Dan read your thoughts, he turned the movie off and carried you bridal style towards his bedroom. You were sure You were a shivering wreck by now. Dan put you down and climbed in next to you, pulling the covers over you both. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, peppering you face with little kisses which made you giggle. Dan smiled. "That's what I like to hear." You laid your head on his chest while he played with your hair, soothing you and blocking out the storm. "You feeling better princess?" "Yeah, thank you Dan. I love you so much; I don't know what I'd do without you." The rain was still hitting the windows at a rapid pace along with the thunder. "I love you more baby." Dan grinned and pecked your nose. You shook your head still smiling. "I'm afraid that is not possible." He laughed and rolled his eyes. He tightened his grip around your waist and looked deep into your eyes, leaning in for another kiss.

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