Chapter one

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Sitting at my desk, my ear phones on full volume drowning out the sound of my parents arguing. I sit writing my script saying how I want to go to Hogwarts somewhere safe and happy, I wanted to feel free. Laying on my bed with my script I positioned myself like a starfish turning on subliminals imagining standing outside of the Hogwarts express with my owl and trunk. I counted to 100 telling myself I will shift.

Slowly opening my eyes with my fingers crossed I was there, train engines roared and I stood outside the wall of platform 9¾. I did what I knew and ran into the wall my eyes closed tightly shut expecting to not be allowed in.  I came out the other side to see I had made there were parents waving the first years off and friends hugging. I made my way through the crowd to load my trunk when I ran into Fred and George Weasley.

"Woah there" they both laughed.

"I'm sorry" I said my face turning red.

"No bother we can help you" they replied taking my Trolly.

They loaded my trunk and took me on to the train finding an empty compartment.

"So who are you" Fred began.

"What year are you in I haven't seen you before" George added.

"I'm Laura, Laura hack and I came here from another reality" I said hoping they would think it was a joke and move on I didn't know if I should tell them or not.

"I'm Fred"

"And I'm George"

they both introduced themselves shaking my hand.

"What year are you" they asked

"Fifth" I replied, I had no idea they asked so many questions.

"Our brothers in fifth" George announced.

"Let's introduce them" Fred whispered to George loud enough for me to hear.

Fred wondered off leaving me and George talking about a whole load of rubbish. When Fred came back he had the golden trio with him.

"Hello" Harry smiled sitting next to me.

Ron and Hermione smiled and stay down next to Fred and George.

"This is Laura" Fred said introducing me to them

"She's in your year" George continued.

"Are you new" Ron asked.

"Of course she's new we would know her otherwise" Hermione laughed.

"Yeah I'm new" I replied.

We began talking, Fred and George messed around the whole journey much to Ron's dismay.
When we arrived Harry came with me to get my trunk we waited by the wall for the others when Draco Malfoy made an appearance.

"Well well well, what do we have here." Malfoy sneered.

"Back off Malfoy" Harry sighed.

"Look pottah you've got yourself a girlfriend" Draco mocked looking down at me.

"Ignore him harry" I said pulling him away before he says something stupid.

The others soon joined us and we went into the great hall. In my script I had already said Dumbledore knows who I am and how I got to Hogwarts. I was taken to the front where I was to be sorted into my house with the first years.

"Joining fifth year is Laura hack she shall be sorted into her house first" Dumbledore announced.

I walked up the steps and started down on the chair my legs shaking I hated being in front of everyone.
In my script I had written I wanted to be Gryffindor so I knew what to expect.

"Hmmmm your difficult........." the hat said with a long pause.


I was confused I always thought I was a Gryffindor and scripted to be exactly that why didn't it work.
I walked over to the Slytherin table taking an empty seat next to pansy. I needed to make friends in my house quickly or I'd be sitting alone a lot. I knew most things about Hogwarts but I didn't know much about the people there.

"I'm pansy" she said holding her hand out.

"Laura" I replied shaking her hand.

"This is Draco, Blaise and Goyle" She introduced them all making them look at me.

They replied with a smile and Draco didn't reply I sunk into my chair in the awkward silence of the Slytherin table. I smiled over at Fred and George who were waving at me from their table.
I wished I was sitting with them instead of the school bully Draco Malfoy.

"Where are you from" Blaise asked

"I shifted from the muggle world" I said.

I didn't have anything to lose by telling him and he Dumbledore knew all about it.

"Funny, so where are you from" Blaise laughed not believing me.

"Seriously zabini we go to a school full of magic and you don't believe in shifting" pansy scoffed.

"Why does it matter" Draco spat glaring at me.

I would never admit it but I was actually scared of Malfoy. He had these beautiful grey eyes that you could get lost in but an attitude that could kill.

That night Dumbledore came into the common room asking Draco to show me around the castle and take me to class until I knew my way around. I was as shocked as Draco was when he asked I was given my time table and told to go to professor snape in the morning to collect my books.

Pansy took me to our dorm we shared it with Daphne Greengrass we all sat up until late gossiping.
Pansy was first to fall asleep and daphne followed close behind I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to stay in the dorm listening to pansy sleep talk and daphne snore.

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