Chapter twenty-one

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Waking up merged into Laura her soft warm touch against me sent tingles through me. Only being 5:30 we still had a while until we needed to be up so I laid watching her sleep peacefully snuggling down with mini Malfoy. We had even stitched in to the bears paw writing his name on.

"Good morning" Laura whispered turning over to see me.

"Good morning princess" I replied kissing her head.

"What time is it" she asked.

"6:45" I replied, the time had past quickly whilst I had been thinking about everything and watching how precious Laura was.

"We should get up" Laura said almost taking over the whole bed with her stretch.

We both rolled out of bed and picked up our clothes we decided to get dressed in to our uniform before we got on the train, it would be easier.

Once we were dressed we went down stairs for breakfast finding some croissants and cereal, we were both still hungry from being kept in the cellar and needed to fill our selves up as we were beginning to look frail and scrawny.

"Your father will drive you to the station" mother declared making us both jump.

"We can walk it's fine" I replied.

"Draco we aren't having a discussion he will take you" mother argued.

I saw Laura give me the 'don't argue' look and I decided to remain silent. Wondering back upstairs we began to pack the rest of our things such as the pyjamas we wore last night, mini Malfoy, tooth brush and toothpaste, and some new card games we had found. Laura put the book we won at the fair in her bag for us to read on the train and that's when we were ready. Leaving the manor for a bit over 3months although I pretended to hate Hogwarts it was actually where I felt at home.

"Draco" father called from down stairs.

"Coming" I said rolling my eyes and grabbing mine and Laura's trunks.

We got in to the back of the car father glaring at us in the mirrors.

"You two don't have to start on the task right away but it might take you a while to fix the cabinet" Lucius explained.

"Okay" we replied awkwardly.

"Now go before you're late" Lucius snapped shoving us out.

We grabbed our trunks and went through the wall together Laura grabbed my hand as she saw the weasleys. Making our way through the crowd and loading our trunks we found a compartment with some 2nd years in.

We walked in and they soon scurried out leaving us alone. We sat chatting until a few hours into the journey Laura pulled out the book from her bag and I began reading it too her. We read most of the book in a bit over an hour and decided to finish it another day. We were both tired and had a lot going through our minds. When we not closer to Hogwarts my stomach was in a tight knot thinking about the vanishing cabinet and Dumbledore it was at that moment I realised how serious the task was.

Getting off the train zabini, pansy and Goyle all stood staring at us as we got our trunks. I could see Laura getting nervous as daggers from the three of them shot into our heads.

"Together" I whispered

"Together" Laura replied holding on to my hand.

We walked up to the castle and took our seats in the great hall everything was going well until Dumbledore walked in. Both of us looked at each other the same look in our eye, the look of fear and  guilt knowing we had to be the ones to kill him.
Laura was scratching her hand and staring at me refusing to make eye contact with anyone else.

"Come on" I whispered leading her out of the great hall.

"I'm sorry I just couldn't face him" Laura cried.

"It's fine me either" I replied.

"This is going to be harder than we thought isn't it" she asked

"Yeah" I replied deep in thought.

"Did you know snape was a you know what" she questioned.

"No I had no idea my parents never mentioned" I answered.

"I should warn you zabini can't keep his mouth shut so he's probably telling everyone what happened to us over the summer" I warned.

"How would he know" Laura snapped.

"His parents are death eaters" I explained.

"Amazing" she muttered.

We went to the common room and sat talking quietly until everyone came back. Blaise sat down in the arm chair staring at us but didn't day a word making us feel uncomfortable. Pansy sat don't next to him scowling at us.

"Can we help you" I spat.

"We've got all the answers we need" pansy scoffed.

"You have no idea" Laura sneered.

"Laura cmon" I said dragging her away.

We sat at the table and began playing a game ignoring the whispers behind us. Everyone went to their dorms leaving us alone at last. Both of us grew tired I kissed her goodnight and we left for our dorms.

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