Chapter eighteen

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After a while I went for a shower leaving Laura reading a book about a knight saving his princess and all that nonsense.

I turned the shower on and began getting undressed as I stepped in everything felt peaceful the water ran down my back as I washed my hair. I don't take long as I hated leaving Laura alone even for a second, I quickly got dried and dressed walking back into the bedroom. I crawled into bed next to Laura who was already asleep I pulled the duvet over us and put my arm around her.

I was so tired I actually managed to sleep through the whole night with out waking up.

"Wake up" Laura whispered poking my arm.

"What time is it" I asked grumpily i didn't mean too I just hated being woken.

"5am" Laura laughed throwing a jumper at me.

"What's this for" I questioned sitting up right.

"We are going out for breakfast in our pyjamas" Laura smiled.

"Why" I giggled.

"You said we should try and enjoy ourselves and this is what I want to do" Laura insisted.

"How can I say no to that" I smirked pulling on my jumper.

I pulled on my jumper and Laura made sure the sleeves of her onesie were pulled down far enough so the dark mark wouldn't be seen.

We ran down stairs and headed for the door both of us grinning as we left the house into the early morning sun.

"Let's go to a muggle breakfast place" Laura smiled.

"Alright" I agreed I hadn't seen her this happy in weeks I had missed it.

We entered the muggle breakfast bar I pulled out my wallet and paid for our food.

We ordered waffles for us to share for a starter then we ordered eggs, toast, beans, bacon, sausage, and I had some mushrooms which completely grossed Laura out for some reason.

Eating through the massive feast we spoke about everything other than the dark lord and our tasks it was a relief really for the last few weeks we had only spoken about that.

Although Laura still had food on her plate she would occasionally take things from mine I didn't mind seeing the smile fill her face made it worth it.

After breakfast we walked around the town following the sound of loud music it led us to a fun fair it had only just opened and being 9am we were the only ones there. Still in our pyjamas we went on a roller coaster ride and played hook a duck, I won Laura a medium sized bear that she later called mini Malfoy.
We went to a book stool where you had to knock down tins in order to win a book of your choose. after multiple attempts we finally knocked them foe and Laura picked up a book called 'dearest love' by Betty Neels.

On the way home we stopped at a shop in the picking up all the ingredients to make a cake. Arriving home we put all our ingredients on the table neither of us wanted to get dressed so we began making a cake.
Laura was pretty much a pro at making cakes but I however wasn't and after getting mad at it a few times I ended up smashing two eggs dropping the flour and stirring it to fast causing flour to go everywhere. Laura took over and showed me what I had to do making it go a bit smoother.

We put it into the oven and waited eating the leftovers mixture in her bowl.

"Wasn't that hard was it" Laura laughed.

"You have patience" I pointed out.

"You did in the end, see maybe my patience rubbed off on you" Laura replied.

"I wouldn't be so sure I was about to ask how much longer until the cakes out" I laughed.

"Draco it literally just went in" Laura scoffed.

"I'm sorry it just smells good" I smiled.

We waited for what felt like an eternity. Pulling the cake out and leaving it on the side to cool. My stomach growled as we watched it wishing to have a piece. Once cool enough Laura sliced it in half filling it with a gooey, chocolate mess also known as cream. The hunger hit me and as soon as Laura had finished we took a slice biting into the delightful creation we had made. We cut it into more triangles laying them neatly in a tub to take up stairs so mother and father didn't steal it.

"What next" I asked.

"Let's go to the roof" Laura smirked.

"What are you going to push me off or something" I questioned.

"No I just want to feel free it will change when school starts" Laura smiled.

"Cmon then" I laughed.

Running up to the roof we opened the heavy door the fresh summer air hitting us. Laura spun around dragging me along with her the cool breeze in our hair as we twirled.

We sat with our legs dangling over the edge looking down the ground was ages away from us but we felt powerful like nothing bad could ever happened. Not true of course but the feeling was amazing.

"I love you Draco Malfoy" Laura grinned playing with my rings.

"I love you too princess" I smiled back at her.

"Do you know what I miss" Laura said putting her hand in mine.

"What's that" I asked.

"Short sleeves" she laughed pulling at her top.

"Me too love, but I promise one day you will be able to wear them again" I laughed.

Laura looked out at the Forrest playing with her locket.

"Come with me" Laura beamed helping me up off the roof.

We went back in to the bedroom Laura pulled out the outfits we wore to the Yule ball and told me to get dressed whilst she did the same in the bathroom.

When she came out she spun around in her dress looking beautiful. She took me down stairs where we put trainers on it didn't go great with our outfits but they were ten times better than posh shoes.

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