Chapter forty-one

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It had been a few months it's now the spring holidays we had been summoned home school hadn't been easy we were avoiding people and everyone was scared of us still. When we got home no one was there we went to see Luna we got grabbed her a blanket whilst my parents weren't here as we knew how cold she must have been. Laura grabbed food and some drinks for them to hide. Only living on water and a bit of food everyday her and ollivander were thin.

We spent a while talking to them and soon scurried off when we heard my parents. We didn't talk much as I didn't want to put Laura in the awkward situation of being with father so we ended up going to bed.

The next morning i woke and Laura wasn't there full of worry I searched the house I got to the kitchen and I could hear muffled talking I followed the sound leading to the cellar where I saw her. Laura and Luna sitting at the door talking I sat next to them joining them, making sure they were all okay.

"Draco" mother called.

"Draco where are you" she shouted.

We ran up stairs and sat in the kitchen pretending we hadn't been doing anything.

"There you are you two need to stay inside until you go back to school you can sit on the steps and roam the grounds but that's it" mother explained.

"Can we go to the Forrest" I asked.

"Yes All I'm asking is you stay close to home" she replied.

We began to make breakfast and ate in our room knowing father would be floating about the house. We spent the day upstairs when mother ran into our room telling us to come quickly. We both looked at each other in fear as mother ran about the house. Following mother upstairs. Bellatrix ran in holding Harry Potter snatchers clinging on to Ron and Hermione Laura gasped and reached for my hand. We stood by the fire place nervously awkwardly staring at them.

"Well is it him" Bella asked holding him up by this hair.

"I- I can't be sure" I stuttered.

Father grabbed my neck "look closely son, if we are the ones to hand potter over to the dark lord everything will be forgiven." He whispered I backed away from him slowly in fear.

Father shouted at one of the snatchers making Us jump backwards. Mother calmed him and Bella pulled me closer to potter to get a better look.

"What's wrong with his face" i asked concerned I knew it was potter but I wasn't going to say anything.

I could hear them all talking but I zoned out looking in to potters eyes.

Bellatrix saw the sword of Gryffindor and began strangling the snatchers to get it I grabbed Laura pulling her away.


"I wanna have a little conversation with this one GIRL TO GIRL"

I took Laura's hand in mine pulling her closer to me wishing she wasn't here to see this. Bellatrix began accusing Hermione of stealing the sword Hermione cried telling her she didn't take it Laura wiped a tear from her cheek hiding into me.

Bella pulled out a knife and began carving into Hermione's skin. Her screams echoed around the house making us both shake we were powerless we couldn't do anything. I saw Harry and Ron creep up the stairs. Ron Darted towards Bella as she went to Hermione disarming her I would have left it if Harry hadn't shouted "stupefy" at father he deserved it no doubt but I had to get involved.
Mother and I fought against them until we were both disarmed and Laura threw me her wand but that was taken aswell.

Hermione was pinned up against bellatrix a knife to her throat. She demanded them to stop fighting us and drop their wands doing as they were asked I collected the wands hating every second of it. The truth was I had always wanted to be friends with him and when we rejected my offer I hated potter since. His life was as stake and I wasn't being responsible for his death. standing back with Laura praying they find a way out of here soon we watched as Bella through more commands. Potters face became normal again and Bella ordered us to call the dark lord. Everyone looked at me but I refused letting father do it.

As all this was going on Dobby began to twist the chandelier until it came tumbling down Hermione was pushed into Ron and Bella ran. Father stopped under the loud crash of glass falling.

"You could have killed me" Bella shouted.

"Dobby never meant to kill, he only meant to maim or seriously injure." Dobby said.

Pottah stole my wand and ran to his friends who were huddled with Dobby. As they disapparated Bella threw the knife in with them we prayed no one was hurt but we remained unsure.

We ran to our room slamming the door our breath unsteady and hands shaking. Laura burst into tears hugging me they were all practically family to her and standing there on the opposite team must have been heart braking.

That night we laid in silence Laura on my chest as we slowly fell asleep.

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