Chapter twenty-nine

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We went into the great hall to see Dumbledore standing at the front. I made sure it was him and not his ghost but he was alive somehow and he looked well.

"Draco it was supposed to work" I snapped.

"Maybe he didn't drink it, we'll just give it some time and fix the cabinet" he replied.

Harry walked in his nose pouring with blood I punched Draco's arm hard glaring at him.

"Did you do that" I spat.

"I was going to tell you but Dumbledore distracted me" Draco replied.

"Why would you do that" I shouted.

"He was spying on us with his invisibility cloak" Draco explained.

I didn't have chance to say anything else as Dumbledore began his speech. Telling us a story about Voldemort which made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

We tried to block him out and think of something else when he was down speaking we ate dinner the two of us in silence.

"Hack" snape snarled.

"Yes professor" I answered.

"Come with me" he snapped.

"Can Draco come" I asked nervously.

"What ever just hurry up" snape replied leading us out the hall.

We got to his office and he locked the door making Draco and I uncomfortable.

"I need to talk to you about shifting" he began.

"What about it" I asked.

"If someone as brainless as you can shift then so can someone as powerful as Voldemort he may even have a power to do so" snapes began.

"What are you saying" Draco asked.

"I'm saying you wouldn't be safe returning home and if you tried hard enough you could apparate and disapparate home when ever you wanted" snape continued.

"So I could go home whenever I wanted and come back just like that" I questioned.

"Yes, but you have to make a choice you going home would mean you're putting your family at risk of the dark lord........ he could kill them as you are muggle born" snape answered.

"I feel like your asking me something" I replied.

"You need to make a choice of you go home risking your family dies or you stay here" snape tailed off.

"But what would happen to me in that reality" I asked my heart pounding.

"You would go missing and no one would ever see you again or you go there and wipe their memory of yourself" snape concluded.

"I don't want them to die and I don't Andy to be responsible..... when would I have to do it" I answered.

"As soon as possible the dark lord is growing impatient" snape explained.

"Laura you have to do this you have to save them" Draco said looking me in the eyes.

"Can you come with me" I asked.

"Of course I will" Draco replied putting his arm round my waist.

"Get out of here with all your couple stuff" snake said dismissing us.

"We never thanked you for helping us and we should your taking a big chance for us" Draco told snape.

"Lilly would be proud of you" I smiled as we left.

That night Draco and I went to my house using the powers we didn't know we could use. When we arrived I knocked on the door waiting for my parents to open it.

"I thought you were in your room" father said as he opened the door.

"I went out I was tired of your arguments" I replied trying to think of a good excuse.

"Who's this" mother asked behind him

"Draco he's my friend" I said, i hated lying but I knew I would be in trouble for having a boyfriend come over.

We pushed our way In the house and made an excuse to go upstairs.

"I'll be down soon" I said dragging Draco upstairs.

I showed him my room I had missed my stuff but now was my opportunity to take what I wanted to Hogwarts. Once again my parents were arguing nothing had changed here but for me everything had changed.

"Can you get the bag out of my wardrobe please I'll be back in a second" I said leaving him to look around.

I went into my sisters room she glared at me but it was pretty pathetic after being glared at by Lucius and snape.

"Who do you have in your room" she asked

"Just a friend" I said rolling my eyes.

"I just wanted to say I love you even though you hate me and said that you never want to see me again" I smiled giving her a hug.

"Get off me I didn't get a choice to be your sister you were just born" she shouted pushing me off.

"Good luck with mother and father" I replied slamming her door annoyed I couldn't even have one nice moment with her.

I went back to Draco the only one who actually cared about me. I packed up all my things that I needed we laid on my bed thinking about everything when my parents called us for dinner.

"We'll do it now when my sisters down there" I announced.

Getting into the dining room I stood by the door my bags by the door watching as they all sat down for dinner.

"Obliviate" I whispered pointing my wand at them.

Tears ran down my cheeks as Draco and I left the house behind as all the memories of me were wiped from their minds.

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