Chapter five

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After class Malfoy went off with zabini and Goyle I went outside where Fred and George were chasing each other.

"Come on Laura join in" they laughed.

"What are you doing" I asked

"Playing tag" George said being tagged by Fred.

"Sure" I replied putting my bag down

I ran from George who was chasing me around the building.

"Get her Fred" George grinned.

Fred ran at me tickling me until I fell to the ground George tagging me helping Fred tickle me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath I tried to tell them to stop but I couldn't speak. They finally stopped and threw me a bottle of water all of us smiling like idiots.

Fred and George had become like older brothers they were always messing around with me they called me sis and made me feel loved.

Two months later..........

It was now nearing the end of November the weather was cold and it rained most days. Everyday was the same we went to class messed around and Draco was being his confusing self.

The hallways were quiet and gloomy Fred and George snuck me out of the common room taking me to the library. We entered the restricted section looking at all the books all sorts of dark magic written in them. We didn't have a purpose for being here we were just bored and wanted to do something fun.

The door swung open making us all turn around no one was there when we looked but loud Meow gave it away we looked down to see mrs Norris spying on us we farted out of the room knowing filch would be coming soon. We went back to our common rooms unseen leaning against the door trying to catch my breath a tired Draco sat in front of me.

"You okay" he asked

"I'm good" I smiled collapsing in the chair.

"We're you with Fred and George" Draco questioned me.

"Yeah we went on a walk" I replied.

"You spend a lot of time with them" Draco said I started to feel like he was interrogating me.

"Yeah they're practically family" I said

"That's good" he smiled.

"Okay what's wrong with you" I asked.

"Nothing" Draco started

"Clearly something is you've been questioning me about them all week" I said

"I was just making conversation" Draco replied rolling his eyes.

"Okay" I muttered knowing it was more than that.

"Do you want a game of snap" he asked pulling out the cards.

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

We played snap for hours we passed the so tired we can't move phase, the energetic phase and the what time is it stage of the night. We were going to go to bed when we saw light peering through the window looking at the time we read 7am. We both were confused we had no idea we were playing for so long.
We both went up stairs to get ready our eyes tired and red.

In the great hall Fred and George came over to me.

"Morning" George smiled

"You look terrible" Fred laughed

"Thank you for that Fred" I said sarcastically.

"He's right" George added

"I was up all night playing snap with Draco" I laughed.

"Don't let Ron hear you say that we might allow you to play snap with Draco but he won't" Fred told me.

"Why do you let me" I asked

"We want you happy" George smiled making funny hair styles with my messy hair.

"Draco is an idiot but he isn't when he's with you and I kinda respect that" Fred explained.

"Thanks" I smiled

"Do you have any plans for Christmas" they asked.

"No Why" I replied.

"You are coming to the Yule ball even if you don't have a date" Fred beamed with excitement.

"Then the day after you will spend Christmas at ours" George bubbled.

"Are you sure" I asked.

"Of course" they replied.

"Also you are going dress shopping with Hermione tomorrow" they said stealing the toast I had just buttered.

"That should be fun" I smiled snatching my half eaten toast back.

"I was eating that" George giggled.

The rest of the day was spent in class or planning more pranks Christmas was only a few weeks away and we needed to plan something amazing before the holidays.

Hermione and I were discussing the Yule ball and how even though umbridge was in charge she still allowed the ball to happen. Fred and George did say it wouldn't be like it last year when Dumbledore was here.

The next morning i woke up early I got dressed it was finally the weekend and Hermione was going dress shopping with me I had never been dress shopping and i couldn't wait.

There was a knock on the common room door I opened it to see Hermione standing there smiling.

"I'm sorry I was going to wait but I'm too excited" Hermione laughed.

"It's okay I'm ready" I said grabbing my bag.

We went into hogsmeade trying to find some dresses but all of them were either for the older people or ugly.

"Where else" Hermione asked

"We could always try muggle shops" I suggested.

"Good idea" Hermione replied pulling me into the another shop.

I searched the racks and mannequins I spotted a dark green off the shoulder ball gown with a Lacy top and silky skirt it even came with green heels.

I tried it on feeling like a princess hermione loved it she stood next to me in her pink dress looking beautiful. We bought the dresses and headed to a cafe in the town.

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