Chapter ten

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A few months had passed me and Draco decided to keep our relationship a secret as things at Hogwarts went from bad to worse. Draco was helping umbridge spy on Harry and his friends including me. Umbridge thought we were working with Dumbledore to help him over throw the minister of magic and umbridge wants to know our plan and is using students to help her.

That morning we all met up Harry had another vision over night we needed to talk to Sirius. Harry snuck into Umbridge's office to talk to Sirius in the fire place whilst Ginny, Luna, Neville and I stayed on guard.

That unfortunately failed when Draco, and his gang showed up. We all pointed our wands at them getting ready to cast a spell but before we could they had already grabbed us Draco had hold of me.

"Let me go" I whispered.

"You know I can't do that it's too obvious" Draco whispered back.

I tried to free my self so I could warn Harry but all of us where too late Harry was tied into the chair and we were all being held against the wall.

I had to make a choice if I helped Harry or stayed with Draco I thought about who needed me most and decided to keep fighting for Harry.

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you" umbridge snapped.

"No" Harry answered

Umbridge's slapped him across the face shocking all of us.

"You sent for me" snape said appearing in the doorway.

"Snape yes the time has come for answers weather he wants to give them to me or not." Umbridge began.

"Have you brought the veritaserum"

"I'm afraid you've used up all my stores interrogating students, unless you wish to poison him and I'll assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did.....I cannot help you" snape explained.

"He's got padfoot in the place where it's hidden" Harry called to snape in code.

"What's he talking about snape" umbridge asked.

"no idea" snape answered pretending he didn't understand.

"as this is an issue of ministry security you leave me with no choice" umbridge said when snape left the room.

"The crutiatus curse" umbridge continued.

"That's illegal" Hermione yelled

"No one needs to know" Umbridge's snapped.

Umbridge prepared to use the spell when Hermione called out "tell her harry".

"Tell me what" Umbridge scoffed.

"Where Dumbledore's secret weapon is" Hermione lied.

Harry and Hermione took umbridge to the forbidden Forrest whilst we were still being held up.

We were finally set free Harry collected us and we went to help him save Sirius we got on to thestrals (flying horses) heading to the ministry.

Harry's vision from the night was a trap Sirius wasn't there. We came to a room full of crystal balls remembering back to his vision Harry saw a crystal ball with his name on we searched high and low until he called out to us claiming he found it.
Whilst inspecting a voice appeared telling us the dark lord was approaching.

"Harry" Hermione called out pointing at a death eater dressed in robes and a mask.

Lucius Malfoy took of his mask walking closer to us we all huddled together pointing our wands in every direction waiting for the arrival of more death eaters.

"Hand me the prophecy" Lucius snarled.

"You do anything to us and I'll break it" Harry spat.

"He knows how to play! Itty bitty baby pottah" a lady laughed.

"Bellatrix lestrange" Neville called out fearfully.

"Neville longbottom is it...... how's mum and dad" bellatrix replied.

"Better now their about to be avenged" Neville shouted pointing his wand at bellatrix.

"Let's everybody Just calm down all we want is that prophecy" Lucius said gritting his teeth.

More death eaters appeared walking closer to us.

"All your secrets about your scar are locked in your hand all you have to do is give it to me I can show you" Lucius whispered.

"I've waited 14 years...." Harry said his voice low and shaky.

"I know" Lucius replied pretending to be sympathetic.

"I guess I can wait a little longer" Harry announced.

"Now" Harry roared.

"STUPIFY" we all shouted casting a spell on the death eaters.

I cast the spell on Lucius watching him fly through the air into the darkness. Throwing spells at the death eaters left, right and centre running down the long rows of glass balls, our spells rebounding. Ginny saved us after casting a spell but we weren't safe, the shelves began to collapse balls shattered everywhere we ran back to the door as fast as we could making it just in time.

Harry had managed to keep the prophecy safe as we landed. We went up the steps following Harry and Luna who claimed to be hearing voices that we couldn't hear. Harry ordered us to stand behind him and so we did. Death eaters flew over our heads almost knocking us to the ground. They captured us leaving Harry alone and vulnerable.

"Give us the prophecy or watch your friends die" Lucius threatened holding out his hand.

Harry handed it over to him his hands shaking. A bright light shone down and Sirius appeared.

"Get away from my godson" Sirius spat punching Lucius in the face.

The prophecy broke bad the battle began.

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