Chapter thirty-nine

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When we woke up it was Christmas Day I woke early and jumped on Draco to wake him up. He loved it but hated it all at the same time. I was just excited to open presents even if it was 4am.

"Go put the tv on" Draco smiled.

I put the tv on we sat watching cartoons whilst opening presents. Draco gave me a gift bag and I passed him one, I opened mine first he had got me a collection of books about trolls and dragons, in the other box he had given me a snake ring i looked down at his hand to see that he had the matching one. I couldn't help but smile when I realised, Draco had always known it was my favourite as I always played with it.

He opened the gift from me revealing a moving photo album of every moment we laughed and danced. I kissed him and said thank you he picked up the bag from the weasleys and we worked our way through it.

Molly had knitted me a jumper with an L on it, she had bought Draco a music book as I told her he enjoyed the piano. Fred had got me some sweets form the joke shop all the worst flavours, George had got me a blanket with a drawing of the three of us in the rose field. I put my jumper on and opened the pack of sweets for me and Draco to try we ended up spitting most of them out and the ones we did eat we had to down a lot of water.

We went down for breakfast to see bellatrix waiting in the living room.

"Bellatrix what are you doing here" Draco asked.

"Didn't you get told well clearly by your outfit you didn't get told" Bella laughed.

"Get told what" I asked.

"The dark lords holding an emergency meeting in ten minutes" Bella replied .

"We should go get changed" Draco announced.

"Yes and be quick about it" she called after us.

We headed to the bedroom, threw our clothes on and fixed our hair.

"Something doesn't feel right, an emergency meeting this early in the morning" I told Draco.

"I know what if they've found potter" Draco asked.

"They are smart they'll have hidden somewhere" I replied hoping they hadn't caught him.

When we went down stairs we heard them talking about the cellar both of us looked at one another confused it was the second time they had said about it and once again their conversation stopped as we arrived. We all went into the drawing room for the meeting the dark lord waited for us. Taking our seats we sat in an awkward silence.

"Now I've taken over the ministry and snatchers are everywhere we are a step closer to finding Harry Potter" the dark lord announced.

"When we find him we will have to put up a good fight he will have back up but I believe we can beat him" he carried on.

Everyone agreed but Something was off I couldn't stop looking at the dark lord. I finally figured it out when he rises from his seat. He looked frail and weak his skin looked as if it could crumble.

He continued talking but I wasn't paying attention I was too wary of his snake slithering along the table in front of us.

Once he left Draco looked at me concerned he knew I was thinking about something but didn't know what. We left the room and entered our bedroom Draco pinned me down on the bed his masculine body leaning over mine.

"What are you thinking about" Draco asked smirking as he held me down.

"Did you see the dark lords skin" I asked.

"Your supposed to be my girlfriend and your staring at other people's skin" Draco scoffed.

"He's an upgrade" I laughed.

"We'll see about that" Draco smirked rolling over and pulling me on top of him.

"Any way what about his skin" he asked.

"It looked crumbly" I replied.

"Crumbly" he giggled.

"You know what I mean he looked weak and like he was falling apart" I said trying to find the right words.

"Yeah I guess he did maybe we have a chance" he answered.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"Harry might have a chance to win against him we would be free." He smiled.

"I hope so I can't do this for the rest of my life" I smiled back.

Draco sat up sitting me on his lap wrapping his arm around my waist. He kissed the side of my neck sending shivers down my spine. I reached over to the gift bag selecting one of the books Draco had bought me. I opened it up Draco peered over my shoulder so he could see it, he began to read it to me whispering each word into my ear his breathe tickling me. I kissed his soft lips getting lost in his grey eyes. My arms wrapped around his neck my face buried into his shoulder. For the rest of the day we watched movies and played bord games. That night we got into bed The silence of the house giving us a weird sense of relief.

"Merry Christmas Draco" I whispered.

"Merry Christmas" he replied with a kiss.

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