Chapter twenty-two

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The dorm was quiet as pansy and daphne whispered between themselves gossiping about Draco and I. Once I was dressed I got mini Malfoy out of the bag, he smelled like Draco it was the first time in months I hadn't been with Draco I didn't realise I would miss him so much. As daphne left pansy's bed going back to her own she muttered the words "dirty little death eater". The lights went out and tears fell from my eyes running down my cheeks. Sobbing quietly my head buried in to mini Malfoy as I wished to be in Draco's arms.

Creeping down the stairs and entering Draco's dorm I went over to his bed shaking him awake.

"Laura" he whispered confused.

He could see I was crying and quietly got out of bed we went down to the common room I still had the bear held close to my chest.

"Come on let's go" Draco said walking out of the common room door into the dark corridor.

We snuck around corners unseen and headed up the stairs to the astronomy tower. Draco took mini Malfoy from my arms smiling down at it.

"So why did you wake me up" Draco asked.

"I missed you" I smiled.

"I mean I missed you too but it's more than that" he continued.

"Daphne called me a dirty little death eater" I explained trying to hold back the tears.

"Laura....."Draco frowned.

"It wouldn't have bothered me but it's true I am" I cried.

"No your not we don't have to claim the name we didn't get a choice we would have been killed" he replied.

"But they don't get that" I stated.

"I know and maybe they will one day but maybe they won't but we know the truth" he said handing the bear back. 

"Do you sleep with him" Draco asked.

"He smells like you" I laughed.

"I didn't know you would miss me so much" he smirked.

"Of course..... I mean we've been inseparable for the last two months" I replied.

I played with his rings until sunrise then it was time to go back to our dorms. I went back upstairs to get dressed before the others woke up, I ran down stairs to meet Draco again he must have still been getting changed all I knew was he took a while.

Once finally coming back down we went to the great hall before most of the other students.

"You need to eat Laura" Draco said staring at me.

"I'm just not that hungry" I replied I felt sick thinking about what daphne had called me.

"Please try I know how you feel and I'm still trying" Draco begged

"Okay" I replied picking up my toast.

The hall began to fill up and we stayed at the end of the table keeping our heads down waiting for class to start.

First we had potions zabini and Goyle were glaring at us as we sat down. We could hear them mention our names and started to laugh but we ignored them.

"I will be putting you in partners" Slughorn announced.

"Draco and goyle" he Began.

"No I've got a partner" Draco scoffed.

"You have now" Slughorn smiled.

"Zabini and Laura" he continued.

"That's not happening" Draco laughed sarcastically.

"Draco it's fine we're on the same table" I said trying not to make a big deal out of it.

We all began our work zabini laughing the whole time.

"So do you have the mark or am I not allowed to ask might you kill me" zabini laughed.

"Leave off" I snapped.

"Ooo she's a feisty death eater now a days Goyle" he laughed.

My fists locked and the adrenaline rushed through my body before I knew it zabini was on the floor I was on top of him punching him until his nose exploded. I couldn't stop Draco pulled me off and went to get our bags.

"YOU FILTHY DEATH EATER" zabini shouted in front of the whole class.

They all gasped and looked at us we walked out of class my heart thudding.

"Laura you really went for him in there are you alright" draco asked shocked.

"I'm fine but did he really just tell the whole class about us being death eaters" I replied.

"Yeah but I don't know if they'll believe it or not" Draco answered running his hands over his face.

"They better not" I said rolling my eyes.

We sat on the wall watching as zabini went to the hospital with goyle.

"You'll pay for this" zabini shouted.

"Careful we might kill you" Draco hissed.

The blood ran onto his top as they walked off making us both laugh.

"You two come here" slughorn demanded.

It was his first day teaching us and we had already messed up.

"Go to Dumbledore tell him I sent you and explain why" he continued.

"Why Draco" I asked.

"He walked out of my class and you broke a boys nose" he ranted.

We ran off down the corridor you go Dumbledores office both dreading seeing him. Walking up the stairs my legs shaking Draco knocked on the door.

"Enter" Dumbledore shouted  

"We were sent here by professor slughorn" Draco started awkwardly.

"Take a seat" Dumbledore replied.

Both of us practically clinging onto one another we sat down in front of the man who we had to kill.

"What did you two do" he asked.

"I broke Blaise's nose" I began

"And then we walked out of class" Draco finished.

"why would you hurt another student" Dumbledore asked.

We were both sitting there thinking of an excuse other than he called us death eaters which we are by the way.

"Don't tell me then but you will have to tell someone by the end of the day either snape or myself" Dumbledore explained.

"Why snape" I asked.

"He'll give you a punishment you shall go and see him now" Dumbledore said.

We got up quickly and went to find snape.

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