Chapter thirty-three

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Some things no one knew about me was I didn't mind muggles I wanted to take muggle studies but father forbid it. I wanted to be friends with who I wanted but father chose them for me, I was brought up to act like I was above everyone even though I wasn't. I hated being that person but Laura saved me I became a better person because of her and wanted to make things right and apologise to the people I hurt.

Laura smiled at me I took my seat Laura sitting on my lap. She kept feeding me gummy slugs she took the nice ones and gave me all the ones she didn't like. When the movie ended Laura was asleep Fred and George drew a moustache on her and I drew a clown nose.

When she woke we all started to laugh she knew we had done something she ran to the mirror when she saw the pens with out the lids.

"You are so immature I'm guessing it was your idea Fred" she laughed.

"You'll never know" the twins replied.

Laura threw a pillow at them both and began wiping her face. All of us laughing as it stained, molly wasn't impressed when she walked in but she couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you two staying for dinner" molly asked.

"We better not mother doesn't like us staying out late at the minute" I replied.

"Why don't you owl her, stay the night I'm sure she wouldn't mind one night" molly started.

"Are you sure" I asked.

"Of course" she grinned.

"Draco you know how angry your father would be if he knew we're here I don't want to get in trouble again" Laura whispered.

"It's fine I'll deal with him just have fun for once" I reassured her.

"Yes thank you I'll owl her now" I answered.

"Good I'll get dinner started" molly Announced.

We all played bord games until dinner Arthur arrived home with lupin and Tonks, Ginny had been out with them all day keeping her mind off Harry.

I didn't feel as if I fit in at the table at first but when they started to involve us in the conversation we felt comfortable. Laura's smile as brightened up my whole world I loved her dearly and couldn't imagine my life with out her.

"Did you learn anything new about muggles Arthur" Laura asked.

"Oh Draco won't want to hear about all that nonsense" Arthur smiled.

"No please I was going to take muggle studies if my father had let me" I responded.

"Oh very well then, we haven't learnt much but I did finally find out about rubber ducks." Arthur started.

"Rubber ducks" we laughed.

"Yes, I found out they don't really have a purpose they are used to float in water as a bath toy but I think there's more too it" Arthur explained.

"Well let us know when you find out even as a muggle born I don't know the purpose" Laura smiled.

After dinner we were all chatting in the living room until late Laura and I shared the sofa as the house they had now was a lot smaller than the last, but we didn't mind.

I managed to sleep for a few hours but was woken by flashbacks of Voldemort and Dumbledore. I watched as Laura slept quietly in my arms. I sat with her for the rest of the night not being able to go back to sleep. The summer sunrise shone through the curtains after a while waking Laura.

"Morning" she whispered tiredly.

"Morning princess" I smiled tucking her hair behind her ear.

"What time is it" she asked.

"5am" I answered .

"They will all be up soon" Laura replied.

"Are you sure we won't get in trouble for staying here" she added.

"Laura it's okay I will sort it and we sent a letter" I told her, unsure myself but remaining calm for her sake.

"Good morning love birds" Fred grinned.

"Morning" George beamed.

"How are you this happy at this time in the morning" I laughed.

"They always have energy we stayed out all night in a field making snow angels" Laura replied.

"That was fun" Fred smirked.

"Oh this came for you Draco" George said handing me a letter.

Dear Draco,

Your father is not impressed he wants you to return home by yourself for a few days. You can bring Laura back in a few days.


I read it out loud Laura beginning to get worried.

"This is all my fault we should have gone last night" Laura complained.

"It wasn't your fault it's my fathers" I replied.

"I'll go now so I can be up before they are" I told them.

"Draco you can't go please let me come" Laura begged.

"You're safe here have fun with Fred and George and I'll be back soon" I explained.

"Draco I've seen what your fathers like when he's mad I mean he has hit me before and starved us for days." Laura said filled with worry.

"If I don't come back in three days come to mine" I said grabbing my things.

I handed her mini Malfoy and told her that we will both be fine.

"Look after her will you and tell your molly I said thank you" I said to get on the way out.

Walking home Laura crying behind me tears running down my cheeks as I left. I hadn't been away from her in months and couldn't bare to leave. But I knew father would be mad if I didn't return home soon.

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