Chapter seventeen

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I walked over to her I could see her blushing I put my arm around her putting my hand on her neck and one on her cheek planting a kiss on her lips.

Laura pulled out a book making read it to her for half an hour. We both became tired quickly even though we spent the last eight days sleeping. Laura fell asleep in my arms I Carried her over to the bed kissing her head as I climbed in next to her. Both of us fell into a deep sleep for the first time in days.

"Draco" mother shouted banging on the door.

"What" I groaned.

"You have an hour" she yelled.

Laura had woken up as well from mother's shouts both of us rolled our eyes and rolled out of bed.  Searching for something to wear.

Laura wore a long sleeved black dress and I wore my black suit neither of us wanting to go. We entered the kitchen for breakfast not wanting to miss a meal in case we were thrown in the cellar again.

I made us some pancakes and finished them just in time for the meeting. Our hearts raced as we were taken into the drawing room. Everyone stared as we walked in but we both refused to look up we took our seats next to each other. I held Laura's hand under the table.

"These are the two new members Laura hack and Draco Malfoy" the dark lord grinned.

"We have a task for them to complete over the next school year" he began.

"I am the greatest wizard but even I need help sometimes. That's why I summoned students to help me.......the vanishing cabinet at Borgin and Burke's has a twin somewhere in Hogwarts. You two will fix it allowing us entry to the school and you will kill Dumbledore." The dark lord announced.

My whole body went cold at the thought of killing dumbledore Laura grabbed my hand tighter I could feel her shaking.

"Do you agree" Voldemort asked.

"Yes my lord" we both answered.

They continued to talk about other plans but I had zoned out thinking about it all, Dumbledore thought of us as his children he always protected us and was more of a father than Lucius.

"This meeting is over" the dark lord said before disapparating leaving black smoke behind.

"Draco" Laura whispered.

"We're going out" I informed my parents

We left the house and started walking not knowing where to go just anywhere away from here.
We ended up going to Fred and George's joke shop we stood outside peering through the window.

"Im going in I want to buy something" Laura said dragging me with her.

We searched for something to buy we just ended up getting sweets but Laura put them on the counter I gave her some money and Fred and George appeared.

"Laura" they smiled a bit awkward.

"I want to buy these" Laura replied.

"Sure, how are you" George asked.

"I'm amazing" Laura smiled sarcastically.

"Come to the back will you" Fred asked Laura agreed and pulled me with her.

"Why are you here and don't say to buy sweets" George asked.

"I wanted to see you" Laura answered.

"Harry and the others will be here soon they don't know" Fred replied.

"Don't tell them I have enough going on" Laura said

I sat back not wanting to get involved in case I made it worse.

"Like what" George asked.

"Oh you know Lucius hating me and locking us up for eight days living off water and......... nevermind" Laura spat.

"I'm sorry I had no idea" the twins apologised.

"Why would you stop talking to me over something I can't control" Laura asked.

"Harry needs our help and having you there just won't work" George shouted.

"You know what I wish I had chosen the other option I wish he had killed me there and then" Laura yelled walking out.

I ran out after her she stood crying around the corner. I put my arm around her not knowing what to say I couldn't fix the situation.

I took her to a field full of flowers sitting against the tree I held her close to me. What she said about wanting to die was how I had been feeling I just didn't have the courage to tell anyone. Playing with her hair and reminding her how much she means to me I kissed her soft cheeks.

"I love you so much" I whispered.

"I love you too" Laura replied kissing me.

"Can we go home" she asked

"Of course are you hungry" I smiled

"Starving" she laughed holding her stomach.

We walked back home hand in hand the sun beaming at us from eye level, when we arrived I took Laura to the kitchen and once again we made pancakes. We ate them quickly before mother and father came in neither of us wanted to talk to them after what happened earlier.

We saw them on the way up stairs but didn't say anything we just headed for my room. I spent a while playing snap with Laura trying to cheer her up but it was hard when we had a task that we didn't want to do. Trying to keep our mind off it we made the best out of the bad situation.

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