Chapter thirty

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Laura's heart was crushed by the events having to give up her family in order to save them. I felt bad but it was out of my control what had to be done was done as bad as it sounds.

The next two months passed slowly as we fixed the damage to the vanishing cabinet. It wasn't completely fixed as when we put an apple in it returned With a chunk missing. We put a bird in there when it came back it laid lifeless on the floor. We were both upset and had to keep trying to make sure it was perfect.

The next morning I said I'd meet Laura at the great hall I arrived to find people gathering around someone I walked closer to see it was Katie bell. I stopped in my tracks as she stared at me looking traumatised potter turned around looking at me. I panicked and ran out heading to the toilets. Tears ran down my face as I realised what I had done to that poor girl.

"I know what you did Malfoy" potter sneered behind me.

I turned around jumping at his voice.

"You hexed her didn't you" Harry spat.

Panicking I threw a spell at him some how dodging it Harry fort back. Spells flew across the room breaking mirrors, taps, toilets.

"Sectumsempra" Harry screamed making me fall to the ground.

My chest ripping in half and blood pouring out my I cried out in pain as he just stood there.

"What did you do" Laura cried running over to me.

"Out of the way" snape snapped pulling Laura off me her hands covered in my blood.

Snape fixed me the best he could and took me to the hospital Laura stayed me for the whole thing. I could hear her crying as I began to wake up I slowly tried to move the pain was sickening.

"It's okay I'm okay" I whispered holding her hand.

"I am never letting you out of my sight you know that don't you" Laura said laughing through the tears.

"Good I could have used some back up" I replied with a cheeky smirk.

"Are you seriously okay though" Laura asked.

"I'm fine they said I should be out in a few days" I answered.

"Good snape told your parents I owled your mother this morning telling her I would tell her how you were when you woke up" she smiled stroking my face.

I shuffled over as much as I could making room for Laura on the bed.

"I don't want to hurt you" she said perching on the edge.

"You won't just come sit here you look like you haven't slept in a while" I replied.

"I haven't I was too worried about you" Laura muttered.

She laid next to me putting her head on my shoulder drawing circles on my chest above all the bandages. Professor snape came in to the hospital strolling towards us.

"You two really don't want to use the unforgivable curse do you" snape fumed.

"What makes you say that" Laura asked.

"It's embarrassing how long it took me to link you two between the incident with Ron Weasley" snape hissed.

"What about Ron we haven't done anything" I snapped.

"You seriously haven't heard it's been a few days now but Ron was poisoned" snape enlightened us.

"Why does that have anything to do with us" i asked.

"A bottle of mead, a gift to Dumbledore with poison in it" snake continued.

"Why wasn't it given to slughorn" Laura questioned.

"He wanted it for himself" snape replied.

"First Katie and now this, you two need to stop it's getting out of hand don't let the dark lord down" snape scoffed walking out the room.

"We almost killed Ron" Laura shook.

"It was an accident" I tried to reassure her.

"So was what happened to Katie it doesn't change the fact they almost died because of us" Laura spat.

We sat there in silence contemplating everything. We needed to perfect the cabinet and quickly.

The next few days went by quickly and I was out of hospital in no time.  Back to room of requirement all day everyday. We had almost got it we just needed something else but we don't know what.

"I'll go to the library and have a look for something" Laura said wondering off.

She came back half an hour later with a massive book on vanishing cabinets we had Never seen it before. We both took a look at it and found a few helpful things but nothing that would really help us.

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