Chapter thirty-five

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I woke up to see the boys were still sleeping, if they weren't like family I would have let them sleep like a normal person but they are like my brothers so why not be annoying.

"Fred" I whispered picking his arm until he woke up.

"Are you dying" he asked.

"No" I replied confused.

"Well you will be if you wake me up again" he laughed sitting up.

"Anyway whats wrong" he asked.

"Let's pour ice water on George" I smiled.

Fred laughed quietly agreeing with my idea, we crept out of the hammock and went to get the water. We wondered in to the kitchen collecting Ice and water.
We both carried the large tub upstairs trying our best not to spill it Ginny heard us giggling and came with us. The three of us tipped the tray up pouring out onto George. He woke quickly falling out of the hammock screaming.

"What was that for" he cried as the ice slipped down his back.

"Why are you screaming" molly said running up the stairs.

"He's fine we just wanted to say morning" I laughed.

Molly looked over at the soaking wet hammock and a cold, wet George she couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Very funny good morning to you too" he spat I knew he found it funny too but refused to give us the satisfaction.

"I'm going to get dressed" George said with a grin starting to appear.

We all burst out laughing as he left the room. We all followed molly down to the kitchen for breakfast George came down shortly after his hair still a bit wet.

"Nice shower" Fred laughed.

George sat down next to me throwing a piece of mango at me.

"Don't play with your food" i said throwing it back.

That day the three of us went out to a park Fred and i fort for a swing I luckily one and he stood there unimpressed. He began to push me I went higher and higher I felt like I was going to go over the bar but luckily he stopped before then. I got off the swing and let him go on it so he wasn't standing for ages. We had done how managed to spend the whole day there with our realising it.

"Get on my back" Fred laughed.

I did what he asked and got on George opened the gate Fred began to run I held on for dear life. We ran all the way home George racing us. After dinner Ginny came upstairs with us we all painted each others nails I did George's and he did mine, Ginny did Fred's and he did hers. As it was the only colour we had all our nails were black it was a pain to get off when George messed up and believe me he messed up.

Ginny slept on the sofa and we slept pretty much in a pile on the beanbags. We had been eating sweets until 3am so we ended up being woken at about 8am which was late for us my normal time was 5 or 6.

At breakfast there was a knock on the door I couldn't see who it was and I was busy cooking pancakes with Ginny.

"Did you miss me" a masculine voice said behind me. I turned around to see Draco standing there he looked exhausted.

"Draco" I cried wrapping my arms around his neck not wanting to let go I had missed him so much and seeing him was a relief.

"Have you eaten" molly asked.

"No, I wanted to come here as soon as I was allowed" Draco replied staring into my eyes grinning.

"Well sit down we have enough food for everyone" molly smiled.

Ginny and I served up the pancakes I sat between Draco and the Ginny the twins opposite me. I held Draco's hand I missed his touch I had almost forgotten what his warm hands felt like in mine. After breakfast Draco took me outside so we could talk in private.

"What happened" I asked.

"Father wasn't impressed that we stayed here but mother saved us both" he began.

"What did they need to talk to you about" I questioned.

"The dark lord is looking for harry he's building an army he's got even more death eaters.... but the thing is I think he's going to win" Draco stammered.

"Do we tell molly maybe she can warn them" I said unsure.

"We can't if the dark lord finds out we have that information away we will be killed" he replied.

"So I guess we're leaving today then and going back to yours" I said.

"Yes we have meetings for the next few weeks" he told me.

We both sighed disappointed and began to collect my things I grabbed mini Malfoy pulling closer to my chest as I got nervous about returning to the manor. I hugged everyone goodbye and we both thanked them.

"Stay out of trouble" I said to Fred bad George they were always the hardest to leave.

"You too" they replied.

We left the house and returned to the place we both feared. Luckily the house was empty when we arrived giving us both time to pluck up the courage to speak to his parents. We had been apart for what felt like forever Draco pushed me against the wall in his room his hand grabbing my neck as he kissed me forcefully. I grabbed his soft face kissing him back harder.

"I missed you" I whispered pulling him into a hug.
We laid in bed hugging and telling him about what I had done at the weasleys.

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